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  1. Derpmaster9000

    OBD Convo #26: Forth Eorlingas!

    If you gave me ten years of practice, I might reach close to what you have. Or, at the very least, graduate beyond simple stick figures with smiley faces. :mjlol Either way, you got some genuine talent man. Love seeing whatever you draw up on the convos, for real.:yousmart
  2. Derpmaster9000

    OBD Convo #26: Forth Eorlingas!

    My nigga, at the rate you're going, you might as well be the OBD's resident Picasso. :russ
  3. Derpmaster9000

    OBD Convo #26: Forth Eorlingas!

    Any day of the weekend for me. :yousmart
  4. Derpmaster9000

    OBD Convo #26: Forth Eorlingas!

    That is the last I will say on any of this @Masterblack06 I'll finish here before I get the hammer thrown my way.:russ
  5. Derpmaster9000

    OBD Convo #26: Forth Eorlingas!

    You're smelling war shit. Totally different. :mjlol Will stop after this though. Forgive me, I mistyped. They were initially having their blockades pushed back, but it wasn't by much. Russia's soldiers have been pretty much holding them down for some time, just waiting for the order to be given to march by their superior, who, following Putin's plan, is waiting for the ice and snow to go full assault mode. After that, its the end of the line for Ukraine. Nothing can save them at that point, and if Biden and his puppeteers are too stupid to take the L and decide to threaten nukes(like that bumbling fool already did with his own populace) then Russia will just respond with the same. There is no W coming for Ukraine, and by proxy, the West that's backing them. Once snow/ice falls, its gonna be a blood bath.
  6. Derpmaster9000

    OBD Convo #26: Forth Eorlingas!

    Whenever the cold of winter sets in, it'll be Ukraine. Putin's plan the entire time was to use the cold to starve out, freeze them with no power and then crush them. He got unlucky when the biting cold didn't hit when it was supposed to in December, and foolishly didn't have a contingency plan should the cold take longer to arrive, which is why his forces are getting pushed back for the moment. Reality is this, if Ukraine can't manage to outright defeat Russia by the time cold sets in, all that aid they're getting from all the fucking virtue signaling states obeying the wishes of the swamp and the WEF who want Russia vs Ukraine to be the 'forever war', as they call it, then those Ukraine soldiers are gonna get the same treatment that the nazis did back in WW2, if not much worse, since it'll be on their own home turf.
  7. Derpmaster9000

    OBD Convo #26: Forth Eorlingas!

    IRA beating the Taliban was likely wrong as fuck, but I didn't care at the time I watched the episode with my friend. Was just glad to see the Irish boys get a W over the Jihadis. :mjlol
  8. Derpmaster9000

    OBD Convo #26: Forth Eorlingas!

    Here's to hoping they succeed.:yousmart
  9. Derpmaster9000

    OBD Convo #26: Forth Eorlingas!

    Man, I look just as retarded as my username is, whilst Paxton looks like some regal british twat from the middle ages. :mjlol
  10. Derpmaster9000

    OBD Convo #26: Forth Eorlingas!

    Only a couple decades away from something this revolutionary. Hard to believe, in all honesty. Shit will be here in my lifetime, from the looks of it. :lit
  11. Derpmaster9000

    OBD Convo #26: Forth Eorlingas!

    Its payback time. :lit :yousmart
  12. Derpmaster9000

    OBD Convo #26: Forth Eorlingas!

    The evolving predator. My boy got robbed in the film, by the protagonists plot armor. :wow
  13. Derpmaster9000

    OBD Convo #26: Forth Eorlingas!

    Jaws came back with a vengeance. :russ