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  1. Poyser

    Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

    I do read him town, but that isn’t what I’m arguing. I’m arguing that’s never ever a slip, it doesn’t make any sense to be a slip and looks 100% more like you trying to capitalise on that narrative
  2. Poyser

    Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

    its currently 6/6, so how would that be solved lol. RNG?
  3. Poyser

    Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

    or plz at least tell me you read the post about whicker that i spent time making for you nibel lol
  4. Poyser

    Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

    Plz vote whicker. Im 99% sure he is scum and if he's not then you can absolutely lynch me tomorrow, kill me tonight or whatever
  5. Poyser

    Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

    he said we had 45 hours at 15 mins past the hour
  6. Poyser

    Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

    no we dont lol, we have 25 minutes
  7. Poyser

    Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

    there will be people bussing him lol, theyre not going to want to put all their eggs in my basket in case they fail to get my lynch
  8. Poyser

    Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

    thats not a hammer lol
  9. Poyser

    Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

    I quoted my few posts about him to yoho on the last page i think it is lol, if you want to check it out Basically nothing he says is backed up by his actions. When polar was being pushed earlier in day, he said he was super sure polar was scum, but he voted me instead. He said I was opportunistic based on "everything RDK said" (bare in mind whicker said I was opportunistic before RDK said anything) but then when i pressed him for an answer, he gave something different than what RDK said, and based on something that didn't even happen lol (I posted the quotes to show it). He also listed yoho as part of his scum team (with me and polar) and then when pressed, he said actually he didn't read yoho as scum and never did. Probably because someone in scum chat pointed out that it doesnt make sense to list me and yoho as a team together. Now he has no issues with polar. What changed? Oh, Polar said he thinks whicker is town Polar reads whicker as town based on being erratic, but as Fuji...
  10. Poyser

    Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

    He was also super duper sure you were scum when you were being pushed earlier in the day btw. Now he has you town! Wonder why
  11. Poyser

    Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

  12. Poyser

    Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

    nah, if you cared so much then you'd have seen them or you'd look for them yourself. you're not really arsed about trying to figure the game out tho, just being a waste of space so im not wasting my time with you
  13. Poyser

    Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

    no, she was trying to pressure nibel to voting me by framing it as either me or no lynch, which isn't even true at 6-4 let alone 5-5. that's called an agenda m8
  14. Poyser

    Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

    I voted hime earlier you muppet i went back to whicker because there isn't time to get hime lynched and she said she was going to bed so couldnt get her claim either ive also addressed your points about whicker.... TWICE dumb fuck
  15. Poyser

    Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

    it was 2 full minutes!
  16. Poyser

    Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

    look at the sheer pressure she's trying to force on you here nibel. the agenda is rife
  17. Poyser

    Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

    its 5/5, so he doesnt NEED to be voting me at all. shady mfer
  18. Poyser

    Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

    Hime foregoing sleep for this. You can smell the desperation
  19. Poyser

    Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

    @Rugrat plz show up before deadline