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  1. Punchsplosion

    Street Fighter: discussion, feats, and analysis

    Fortunately his gameplay is fucking sick as shit.
  2. Punchsplosion

    Street Fighter: discussion, feats, and analysis

    That is the sickest gameplay for an SF6 character yet.
  3. Punchsplosion

    Spoilers: Final Fantasy VII - Rebirth

    Tbf they did a great job in Rebirth of making everyone worth using for the most part. I personally was using Cloud/Tifa/Red for this game throughout due to my playstyle, but in the Hard Mode stuff I have been mixing up my teams with crazy success. Yuffie plays so phenomenally in this game and her characterization is so much better. The only one I'm not using is Cait Sith. Characterization much better but that one forced solo gameplay section with him turned me off on his gameplay.
  4. Punchsplosion

    Spoilers: Final Fantasy VII - Rebirth

    No Reunion title for Part 3.
  5. Punchsplosion

    Spoilers: Final Fantasy VII - Rebirth

    I would if they didn't already use it for the latest Crisis Core. Literally Crisis Core Reunion. So, I don't think they are gonna do it twice.
  6. Punchsplosion

    Spoilers: Final Fantasy VII - Rebirth

    Prediction: Name of the last FF7 requel. FF7: Remission Meaning: Cancellation of a debt/charge/penalty. Diminution of the seriousness/intensity of disease/pain; a temporary recovery. Forgiveness of sins. Also, repeating the ending mission...a re-mission. Stopping the Black Materia/Sephiroth/Jenova.
  7. Punchsplosion

    Spoilers: Final Fantasy VII - Rebirth

    Another thing to note. The game actively confirms that the Black Materia is the strongest materia. It was the "greatest materia" before it was transformed as per the Gi and the Cetra's confirmation. This means that the Black Materia is greater than all summons (including KotR & Zirconiade) and the Protomateria (Used to summon the powers of Chaos and Omega WEAPON). This was inferred (labeled as the strongest destructive magic) previously but has been outright confirmed in Rebirth.
  8. Punchsplosion

    Spoilers: Final Fantasy VII - Rebirth

    Loving that lots of confusion within the original timeline and obviously problematic questions are being tackled in this game such as: "Why would the Lifestream create a materia that can destroy itself?" It didn't. There was a particularly powerful materia that the Gi essentially Sauron'd into the Black Materia. "How could regular bullets kills Zack if FF7 characters are so strong?" They aren't regular at all. The weapons created by Shinra are made of magical metal alloys and enhanced by materia. "What happened to the Cetra? Why did they die off if they were so strong?" Humanity, most likely influenced by Jenova, turned on the Cetra and hunted them down after they were already greatly diminished by their initial conflict with alien shapeshifter. In OG, it was implied that Jenova nearly killed all of the Cetra. Although it is suggested by the Gi that the Cetra were selfish, jealous, ignorant, and liars, they were 100% correct in thinking that the things that cannot join the...
  9. Punchsplosion

    Spoilers: Final Fantasy VII - Rebirth

    Nah it just means that some fraction of the Lifestream's presence keeps the star lit. It's not the Lifestream's overall cap or a low-end. It just a by-product of the Lifestream existing in the first place. As the life on that planet required a star to live, so the Lifestream most likely keeps that star going/created it in the first place. It's still creating multiple timelines, dimensions, universes, etc in the OG and this series of requels.
  10. Punchsplosion

    Spoilers: Final Fantasy VII - Rebirth

    Other stuff. Many other dimensions exist. Gilgamesh obviously being the prime example of an outside coming in. However, the GI are from an entirely other dimension that they migrated from. The Cave of the GI is a boundary between the two worlds (@29:00). Gi stole the greatest materia of thousands of years ago, far predating Jenova's arrival. They did this because they could not join the afterlife. After they would die, they would just become wandering spirits that required true release. Having not been born of the Lifestream, they cannot return to it and thus suffer eternal penance. They took that materia and poured their collected sorrow, rage, and desires into it. This created the Black Materia. Which can truly give them the solace that they crave. It will destroy their spirits. However, it also has the possibility of destroying everything else (the world, souls, and the Lifestream) if used for that purpose. The moogles also live in (at least) little pocket...
  11. Punchsplosion

    Spoilers: Final Fantasy VII - Rebirth

    Some things that I noticed feat-wise in my playthrough. Shinra metallurgy is far above traditional metals and even rare magical metals such as mythril. This explains why SOLDIER's and powerful fiends can be downed by concentrated gunfire from Shinra Infantry. (Start of the video, Dialogue between Barrett and the party): Odin's Zantetsuken is powerful enough to cut space/time (think Yamato from Devil May Cry, Talked about @ 3:35, Shown using Spatial Distortion @ 13:45): Tifa kills a red dragon with a non-Limit Break flip kick: This entire sequence is ridiculously awesome. Jenova Lifeclinger be firing off lasers that seem to look and function like actual lasers (@11:25). Group proceeds to fight Jenova while falling down the chasm created from the laser spam. Cue sequence where party works in tandem to nullify Jenova's attacks, including a part where Cloud reacts to one of the lasers and blocks it. Jenova tanks 3 Limit Break-esque moves at once during the cutscene, but it...
  12. Punchsplosion

    Street Fighter: discussion, feats, and analysis

    The ki shroud on Akuma is hinting at some neat stuff. Closer and closer to Oni indeed.
  13. Punchsplosion

    Street Fighter: discussion, feats, and analysis

    My man's love taps were shaking the entire cave system.
  14. Punchsplosion

    Street Fighter: discussion, feats, and analysis

    Ed finally confirmed as stronger than Falke. New member of Neo Shadoloo that is based on the capabilities of one of the Yoga Masters. Ed is a good guy that doesn't seem to be dying. He's just trying to help those fucked over by Shadoloo (including the Dolls). Cypher is the name of the teleporter. Updated the Tier list.
  15. Punchsplosion

    Street Fighter: discussion, feats, and analysis

    https://www.streetfighter.com/6/character/ed Also, he's looking to free other Shadoloo test subjects.
  16. Punchsplosion

    Street Fighter: discussion, feats, and analysis

    https://blog.playstation.com/2024/02/08/ed-boxes-his-way-into-street-fighter-6-on-february-27/ Interesting stuff here. Ed did some traveling and got stronger/better with Psycho Power.
  17. Punchsplosion

    Street Fighter: discussion, feats, and analysis

    Possibly. A solid chunk of their dlc philosophy seems to be redeeming failed concepts from SFV. AKI > FANG and SF6 Ed > SF5 Ed. Interested in who they glow up next.
  18. Punchsplosion

    Street Fighter: discussion, feats, and analysis

    Not sure, but as per this video that was released like a week ago... his story is going to potentially involve the other members of Neo Shadoloo. So, I'm assuming she is still alive.
  19. Punchsplosion

    Street Fighter: discussion, feats, and analysis

    Well, I'll be damned. They made him look fucking good.
  20. Punchsplosion

    Street Fighter: discussion, feats, and analysis

    Rooflemonger brought up a good point in his video. Ed is most likely dying. His skin looks splotchy. His eyes have like bags underneath them. Since he is an accelerated growth clone of Bison (Psycho Power already takes a massive toll on the wielder unless your body is built to handle it), he's probably not long for the world. Falke and the others are probably in the same boat.