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  1. Ral

    Alley Agony Thread #I: From the Dumpster to the Dumps

    Dearrrrr aaagonnnyyyyyyy
  2. Ral

    Alley Agony Thread #I: From the Dumpster to the Dumps

    Hoping to one day develop games and tools that can be used to host fun events on the forum. I envision DND-style and turn-based games in the foreseeable future, where we can offer extensive customizations for dice, game modes, host tools, and more. It will undoubtedly require months of dedicated work, but if the first of these features proves successful, I'd be open to investing in additional development support!
  3. Ral

    Alley Agony Thread #I: From the Dumpster to the Dumps

    Therefore I am :jeff
  4. Ral

    Alley Agony Thread #I: From the Dumpster to the Dumps

    Hella sus :catplacent
  5. Ral

    Alley Agony Thread #I: From the Dumpster to the Dumps

    Not surprised since the big cheese nearly admin turned me but didn't cause some salty ass mfs on NF didn't like that idea. Was going to help with the skins and whatnot and then he done disappeared a year or two later. Now Mbxx/Jff on the otherhand... we were at war with him when we first opened shop here. Long story short we're still trying to move on from the shadow that is FV (and no longer NF). Still engraved in our souls, but I still have plans for this forum once I have more free time to dedicate to projects I had to put on the backburner.
  6. Ral

    Alley Agony Thread #I: From the Dumpster to the Dumps

    Actually yeah mothafucka it was you :blobfacade Way to rejog my memory lol has it really been that long?
  7. Ral

    Alley Agony Thread #I: From the Dumpster to the Dumps

    I made my first post on the Blender thinking you can make intro threads anywhere and got negged to shit :blobfacade That was like 2006, even remember Dave who I never figured out what happened to him.
  8. Ral

    Alley Agony Thread #I: From the Dumpster to the Dumps

    Sit down, Simp Boy omae wa
  9. Ral

    Alley Agony Thread #I: From the Dumpster to the Dumps

    Time to forget again
  10. Ral

    Alley Agony Thread #I: From the Dumpster to the Dumps

    2022 dumpster fire crew wya cause 2023 ready to fuck shit up
  11. Ral

    Alley Agony Thread #I: From the Dumpster to the Dumps

  12. Ral

    Alley Agony Thread #I: From the Dumpster to the Dumps

    Always erect; full body experience.
  13. Ral

    Alley Agony Thread #I: From the Dumpster to the Dumps

    I actually have a thing for oranges, sorry :blobcry If you dig deep enough, you will find the missing 9th dimension!
  14. Ral

    Alley Agony Thread #I: From the Dumpster to the Dumps

    Got a belly button fetish we don't know about? :maybe
  15. Ral

    Alley Agony Thread #I: From the Dumpster to the Dumps

    BIG T SHIT got IT ✅