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  1. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #49: I RECEIVE YOU

    The resulting answer from that is stupid as shit too and deserves to be ridiculed: People don't need to die but the consequences should make sense for the character to have. Edward Elric lived but to give Alphonse his body back, not only did he have to sacrifice his ability to use Alchemy forever, he explicitly refused to get his leg back just as a reminder of the dangers of Human Transmutation. It's the same deal with TLA where characters still faced consequences that changed them as people. MHA had none of that so it went to basically dudes and gals nearly dying and losing limbs because that was the only way the author could make stakes.
  2. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #49: I RECEIVE YOU

    It's funny because it reminds me of why people misunderstand to this day what stakes are and think that all it is basically characters being injured, killed or majorly inconvenienced with no middle ground. Stakes are basically what the heroes stand to lose at that moment in time(i.e. Valuable information to get to the villain, saving an innocent from harm, Solving a Mystery/Case, etc.) and how important those stakes are is how much you care for those characters as a whole. The issue with MHA is honestly the same issue with Naruto which speaks volumes about it: MHA tries to basically make you see the fact that Deku and Shigaraki is meant to be the new gen and ultimately become the next heroes in line after All Might's and All For One's fall as well as how every other Hero and Villain will adapt to that... but we BARELY get either as Deku never really evolves past his initial mindset and Shigaraki BARELY evolved past his and even that doesn't matter because he just becomes AFO's...
  3. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #49: I RECEIVE YOU

    Okay yeah, My Hero Academia fans are basically retarded... Didn't they was basically acting like Deku regaining his arms due to a lucky Emi horn is meant to be something GOOD? That "fit with the story and it's not as dark as JJK?"? Now suddenly, "There are consequences in Shonen?" as if that's the complaint people have with Deku's dumb as fuck choice. The issue people have with it is that Deku sacrificed his Quirk for NOTHING because there was nothing to redeem Tomura for and Tomura was already trying to be his own person the entire time before AFO did his hijack... and he was an evil, son of a bitch then. Again, there are plenty of consequences in Shonen(Yamamoto's death due to being hotheaded over his long time friend's death, Asta temporarily losing control of his arms permanently due to his battle with Vetto), that does not make what Deku did look smart, it looks dumb as hell. This is funny too because again, they believe Deku losing his arms before Emi regenerated them "also...
  4. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #49: I RECEIVE YOU

    https://www.fanverse.org/threads/the-writer-is-literally-telling-yall-to-turn-off-your-brain-and-accept-the-bs.1320646/ Atleast the Boruto Subboard has fully noticed how shit the Manga is because goddamn, the writer literally retconned so bad, he had to retcon his retcon and he couldn't even do it properly because Kurama should not be inside Himwari for any and every reason :jordangif And then people gonna pretend this isn't on Kishimoto despite him basically giving the OK to all the shit.:oldryoma
  5. Xhominid The Apex

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    https://www.fanverse.org/threads/fgt-ichigo-and-monster-aizen-vs-soul-king-yhwach-and-a-uryu.1321383/ Bro fuck Yhwach, Uryu with the A Schrift alone basically dominates the shit out of FGT Ichigo and Monster Aizen, what the fuck?!
  6. Xhominid The Apex

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    https://www.fanverse.org/threads/prime-orochimaru-part-i-vs-prime-meruem-post-rose.1321027/ 3 Pages, FEP tagging EVERYONE and I have no idea how Prime Orochimaru is meant to be a threat at all to Post Rose Meruem. I mean, only like 2-3 people is taking the topic seriously because it's a FEP topic but still. And I see FTL Naruto being peddled and I'm out.
  7. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #49: I RECEIVE YOU

    Can't even deny that lol. Really is crazy that even Live Action Jason defeated Goldor head on unmorphed too which isn't even that far off from this in the Comics either.
  8. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    What's weird is the narration about Tametomo's NP being able to break through Konstantinos' NP in later sections despite the fact that the earlier narration stated it simply went through a gap from Johanna's Revelation. Like obviously, it should be able to break through it normally if Charlemagne's could but it's not being consistent in the fashion of it just went through a gap and nothing else.
  9. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #49: I RECEIVE YOU

    As long as he stays the fuck back and allow his Bankai to wake up first, then Byakuya will praise him... if he goes at it like Edorad, he would wish for Renji back lol.
  10. Xhominid The Apex

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/jinbe-one-piece-vs-prime-all-might-my-hero-academia.1165623/page-7 7 Pages that would ultimately have Jinbe paste Prime All Might/Final Arc Deku across the sand.
  11. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #49: I RECEIVE YOU

    It's really funny how Ikakku is treated like shit by Kubo, even worse than Renji: He's the only one with a Bankai that is straight up awful and is basically utterly destroyed on his sole introduction :jordangif Like goddamn, Ikakku might as well have a paperweight for a Bankai.
  12. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #49: I RECEIVE YOU

    He's fated to become it once the Gigavirgin(Ichibe) finally gets ousted. :heston
  13. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #49: I RECEIVE YOU

    Ironic as the anime gave him one of the biggest Zenkai in leagues and had Rukia be weaker so Renji can come off stronger... only to still be left in the dust by his original rival(Byakuya) and his "rival"(Ichigo). Dude is even getting left in the dust by the ACTUAL rival(Grimmjow) and Ichigo's first "rival"(Uryu), dude gets nothing.
  14. Xhominid The Apex

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    It's insane that's still not dead in Fanverse despite Monster Aizen being weaker than Final Arc Aizen by leaps and bounds that version still injured Dangai Ichigo meanwhile Soul King Yhwach couldn't critically injure Ichigo even with his Shadow Storms constantly attacking him even if we go by Orihime assisting him.
  15. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    It is absolutely funny in the final battle despite Apostle Moriarty basically being dead to rights, you get the option to deck him for killing Holmes and even in that weakened state... Ritsuka nearly breaks their wrist hitting him. :jordangif Even when a Servant is literally dying, no, you are not doing shit without enough Mystery behind it.
  16. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    Alright, haven't updated in awhile but I finished with Traum, it actually was not as bad as I expected and was actually genuinely good for what it was, outside of the Sherlock Holmes/Apostle Moriarty feud springing in at once and abruptly ending at the same time. It honestly reminded me of Dynasty Warriors unironically but in a more in line with genuine tactics being used. To basically go over the bare minimum of shit in Traum we find out and/or feats: - Traum is basically the West United States with Area 51 being around the back end of the Righteous Realm, it hilariously feels like due to the sheer range of the map and how far each area stretches out, it's either only 3 States wide(Nevada, Arizona and Utah) or it's genuinely more than that but the former seems more likely. - The Holy Grails in Traum explicitly boost a Servant's Spirit Origins rather than just give them "infinite" Magical Energy. Don Quixote and Sancho states that's the case but it's only an effective boost...
  17. Xhominid The Apex

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    It's kinda funny they bring up Persona 5 in particular considering we are pretty much told why "mundane objects" are a threat to the Phantom Thieves despite they can weather much worse while in the Metaverse... And yes, it's explained extremely well in the same fashion why gun replicas are able to function like actual guns and why Akechi went with a Toy Ray Gun due to his experiences. As for Lufia 2, did they forget the Hero was DYING after the battle? He wasn't healthy, the dude was on death's door and his girlfriend immediately died during the end of the battle.
  18. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #49: I RECEIVE YOU

    MHA fans are 500 levels of delusional to pretend Shigaraki is doing anything but burning in hell right now.
  19. Xhominid The Apex

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    I mean, this is Spacebattles at the end of the day and the fan fiction site is no different... You have dudes who genuinely believe that a High School DxD x Fate/Grand Order Crossover did justice by having Riser Phoenix defeat Heracles straight up through some of the most retarded conveniences possible... This is the same guy who basically lost to Issei that barely even knew how to use any of his powers or Break correctly, will somehow be able to defeat Heracles in 1 on 1 combat. All sense of genuinely believing that they know anything of what they speak is hilarious, especially when Fairy Tail consistently ends up overblown to shit there. EDIT: If we was going by genuine fanfiction, you would have to give every single reason in the world why E.N.D. wouldn't have been deleted by any of the Fairy Knights, let alone Woodwose before we even get to Morgan herself. And it's pretty clear that there is no reason for it, it's just bitching that it doesn't fit what HE wants to see from...
  20. Xhominid The Apex

    Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 5: Diamonds are fleeting. Stupid lasts forever

    Mahito would be absolute dog shit in the Nasuverse because Nasuverse Mages can explicitly control their Souls to some extent due to Magical Energy(Od) come from their Souls. The only way to screw with Souls in the Nasuverse the way Mahito does would be to do shit on the level Theia can and Mahito is no Theia when even in JJK, you CAN defend against Mahito's Soul Transmigration if you have the right amount of Curse Energy.