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  1. Delta Shell

    Noisy eaters

    Turns out i'm not the only one with Misophonia in the office. I bonded with a fellow member of staff that's actually brought it up with him before, apparently he has an issue with him gums that means he can only chew with his front teeth. Hence the horrific noises. I feel somewhat bad now, my fellow staff member doesn't though :mjlol It's also nice to know i'm not alone.
  2. Delta Shell

    Workout Thread

    Got absolutely murked by everyone at Jiu Jitsu last night. Rolling with a messed up hand is difficult AF. Was all taped up so can't post on it, can't grab. Was probably my most difficult session in a long time. I actually feel battered today. I'm hoping when it heals it'll mean I magically level up :mjlol I also joined a swanky new gym with a spa and rooftop pool all that shit. It's FULL of instagram people though which is semi annoying and everyone is super good looking which is kinda :blobfacade (a lot of PEDs are being taken here lol).
  3. Delta Shell

    It's Nov 1st

    I've never even bothered to try it, within a relationship or single. I've never tried Movember either, but might give it a go for a laugh. I don't want to be that South Asian dude with a tache though.
  4. Delta Shell

    Noisy eaters

    Everyone is sneezing and sniffling around me (one person is sneezing a lot but i'm assured it's a dust allergy HMMMMMMMMMMMMM)
  5. Delta Shell

    Workout Thread

    If you get to try a bunch of sports you like it's a great way to work out and enjoy it. I recommend sports to everyone.
  6. Delta Shell

    Noisy eaters

    I've never heard someone chew yoghurt before. Not until today. His back is to me but I know his mouth stay open ADED.
  7. Delta Shell

    One Piece 1031 Spoiler/Discussion Thread!

    Onigashima will approach Wano. 4 Minutes remaining.
  8. Delta Shell

    It's Nov 1st

    Them royalties she must get annually.
  9. Delta Shell

    Are you where you thought you'd be in life?

    To answer my own thread. I am not. I thought i'd be married with kids by 26 but it's 10 years later and i'm neither of those things. I never knew what career i'd go into tbh, it's not something I was ever given guidance on other than, "be a doctor" which never appealed to me. I'm reasonably happy with how my career sorta turned out despite a lack of direction but I do feel "behind" my peers on the whole starting a family front. It's a weird conflict in my brain, I value freedom a lot (for various reasons). Marriage isn't necessarily appealing to me either but that one integral part of being an adult seems to be missing from my life and I do feel somewhat insecure about it when people ask me if I have kids etc.
  10. Delta Shell

    if you could change one thing about your brain, what would it be

    Turn off my misophonia and maybe body dismorphia.
  11. Delta Shell


    Yeah I had to use my laptop to declutter. Much harder on a mobile device.
  12. Delta Shell


    Ewok music plays in my head
  13. Delta Shell

    One Piece 1030 Spoiler/Discussion Thread!

    Yasui and Oden?
  14. Delta Shell


    NGL, quite a few of them were. I turned off e-mails now :mjlol
  15. Delta Shell


    Just went an deleted and blocked thousands of spam e-mails from my mailbox. Feels good man
  16. Delta Shell

    One Piece 1030 Spoiler/Discussion Thread!

    I would have loved an epic Kinemon death. I actually really like Kin and he's grown on me a lot (given him and momo have been around for fucking 10 years now they were bound to. They're basically nakama at this point). I think he just deserved that but it's all good I guess.
  17. Delta Shell

    One Piece 1030 Spoiler/Discussion Thread!

    Kanjuro is top tier. Imagine he drew whitebeard.
  18. Delta Shell

    One Piece 1030 Spoiler/Discussion Thread!

    Onigashima grants +50 to regen.
  19. Delta Shell

    One Piece 1030 Spoiler/Discussion Thread!

    Kinemons death could never have been that one. Oda would have made it more dramatic. More like a sacrifice in front of everyone. Only berserk main characters get killed in miserable ways like insects lol. I'd agree Kinemons death flag has expired now. Too many false flags for the scabbards in wano all round.
  20. Delta Shell

    One Piece 1030 Spoiler/Discussion Thread!

    Law turned Kinemon into Buggy. Big brain chess moves way back in Punk Hazard :catjamn