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  1. Adamant soul

    What tier should Kratos from God of War be now, following Ragnarok?

    Am I the only one who couldn't help but smile when the second Bulma screamed, Vegeta ran in to see what was wrong? :maybe I know some people didn't like Vegeta in Super but I quite enjoyed him.
  2. Adamant soul

    What tier should Kratos from God of War be now, following Ragnarok?

    He still breaks those chains (which Atlas couldn't do) without the gauntlet so the point stands.
  3. Adamant soul

    What tier should Kratos from God of War be now, following Ragnarok?

    Except he totally did as I just demonstrated. No Atlas TRIES to crush him and FAILS multiple times. Then he stops when Kratos says he's there to destroy Zeus. That explicitly did not happen in the novel. That would be because you're inherently dishonest and are refusing to acknowledge anything that doesn't fit your view of GOW. The two scenes are obviously different to anyone with eyes and a functioning brain. Yes he did, Greece is flooded in almost its entirety following his death. It was his power that prevented this from happening and Kratos > Him. And even if we wanted to go with the lowest end possible. That's still NINE Scandanavia sized landmasses that the Tree is holding, which still makes the feat MASSIVELY beyond just city level or even country level. To even suggest suggest that harming Jormungandr isn't impressive is fucking moronic on those grounds alone.
  4. Adamant soul

    What tier should Kratos from God of War be now, following Ragnarok?

    2:00 > Literally hits the chain hard enough to PUSH Atlas's arm up with it (meaning Atlas couldn't resist the force of Kratos' punch/strength). > Never mind the fact Kratos' capacity to move or break these chains at all while Atlas blatantly can't already shows his superiority. > TOTALLY NOT overpowering him? Sure, whatever you say. :heston
  5. Adamant soul

    What tier should Kratos from God of War be now, following Ragnarok?

    Accuses me of fanfiction arguments. While relying on a novel statement that not only blatantly contradicts the game's portrayal of the same scene (which takes precedence over secondary sources) but also ignores the fact that a WEAKER Kratos has ALREADY overpowered Atlas in a previous GAME. :kobeha God of War Games > Novelizations. Nice try though. :mjpls
  6. Adamant soul

    What tier should Kratos from God of War be now, following Ragnarok?

    Because Mount Olympus is too damn tall to be flooded? This doesn't change the fact an entire country at least got flooded. > Literally says out loud that Posiedon was the one maintaining the waters with his power. > Doesn't see why Kratos overpowering him so completely is obviously a feat. Jesus Christ, you're dumb. :kobeha Kratos was the one who fucking chained him there, despite Atlas' attempts to stop him and having to fight through Persephone to do it. Also Kratos had to hold his fingers back long enough to explain that he was now on Atlas's side in the first place for hi to stop trying to crush him. Wow, you're a disingenuous sack of shit, not that I'm surprised at this point. :smh A giant snake whose fight with Thor shook the fucking World Tree dipshit, that's what sent Jormungandr back in time in the fucking first place. Because Jormungandr isn't trying to do anything else in that instance. The fact he's literally doing that on size alone and not even with any...
  7. Adamant soul

    What tier should Kratos from God of War be now, following Ragnarok?

    That the player has to purposefully stand there and not even attempt to dodge to get hit by. At NO point does Kratos get hit by it without the player doing something wrong, there is NO evidence he is ever hit by it canonically. It absolutely is. No it isn't. Again those are ONE-OFF instances you lying shit, happening not even in the fucking games by your own admission and existing in stark contrast to 99.9999999999999999999% percent of his feats in the actual games. THEY are the outliers dipshit, not his big feats. They are NOT consistent in any sense of the word. > Shat on Posiedon whose death flooded Greece > Overpowered Atlas who holds Greece over his head. > Harmed Baldur who hits hard enough to wound the World Serpant > No noteworthy feats? :scust You really don't have an honest bone in your fucking body do you?
  8. Adamant soul

    What tier should Kratos from God of War be now, following Ragnarok?

    Except they aren't consistent, not even fucking remotely. Kratos going toe to toe with and overpowering giant creatures, gods and other such things with ridiculous feats are how he's portrayed the VAST MAJORITY of the time. These "instances" of him struggling even a little with lesser creatures are once in a blue moon events. That's ignoring the ones you were blatantly dishonest about, such as pretending those are "Crocodiles" when they're actually mythological creatures called "Dreki" AND the fact you used a gameplay clip to LIE about Kratos being hit by it when there's no evidence he actually was hit canonically. Or how you tried to pretend Atreus' Bear form is regular Bear levels, when Kratos him fucking self makes it clear this isn't the case, well in advance of him finding it. No it's EXACTLY like Dragon Ball asshole, stop lying through your fucking teeth and pretending these low ends are more consistent than it actually is.