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  1. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

    Been doing fine.
  2. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

    Happy Halloween
  3. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

    I thought they was bugs that suddenly appeared on my screen lol.
  4. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

    WWE NXT has truly improved something fierce man, I would recommend watching it as they have improved massively.
  5. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

    Well that was obvious but atleast they finally came clean about that bullshit. Just more reason to not take Rotten Tomatoes seriously like with MetaCritic and other review sites.
  6. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

    It really is and it's insane you have people think it's not and it's just a "conspiracy". VIZ advertised the TYBW that it would be all of the original VA would be back(outside of those that retired or are in major Unions for obvious reasons) and Wendee Lee was already voicing 2 characters there and this screw never happened to anyone else(As stated before, Jameison Price abdicated his role for politics and the others left the Anime VA business or retired) so it seems weird that suddenly, "Yoruichi's role" is removed when they could have asked the Voice Actress right then and there what she wanted. Everyone does and it's now beginning to bite them in the ass like everyone stated in that PoCs will start getting pidgeonholed into roles that is primarily of their race rather than if they are good for the role at all. Combined with the incestuous bullshit you seen with Vic being thrown out of the industry among others and it just shows how truly toxic the Western VA industry is. And...
  7. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

    Studiopolis recently talked about the situation "We would like to address the unfortunate circumstances that led to the casting error around the character "Yoruichi Shihoin" in Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War episode #22. It was always Studiopolis' intent to keep as many of the established cast members as possible from the original Bleach anime. There was a misunderstanding that "Yoruichi Shihoin" was part of the list of the original cast members who were unavailable to participate in Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War. In error, our casting coordinator offered Anairis Quiñones the role. By the time this error came to our attention, it was too late to correct before episode 22 was released. We would like to take this opportunity to apologize once again, and express how much we appreciate their talents, and enjoy working with Anairis and Wendee who will both continue to add their voice work to Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War with Wendee as "Yoruichi Shihoin" and Anairis as "Hiyori...
  8. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

    Dude, these glitches are fucking LEGENDARY and very few people even knew they existed! If you play the Bra and Panties Match and give a female The People's Elbow finisher, they will strip out of their clothes(Though the game will crash if you try and strip them after that). If you play First Blood Match and the Ref busts you open, THE REFEREE will be declared the victor(Which can be done with trying to do a Powerbomb Finisher on them). You can glitch out of the Elimination Chamber and the Cage Match and other things.
  9. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

    https://www.fanverse.org/threads/did-naruto-succeed.1304551/ Ah... it's so funny being so right again... I swear, this is the last time I will bring up FV Naruto takes that we all knew for years. Naruto didn't accomplish jackshit even before we include Boruto and how badly Naruto failed at doing anything despite Kishimoto's constantly saying Naruto will be the Messiahs of Messiahs and change everything. First of all, Naruto's entire drive for "peace"... didn't even happen because of him, it happened because of 2 reasons: 1. Madara and Obito decided to unite the entire Ninja World against them and as everyone knows, people will work together against a common foe 2. And due to this, Naruto was able to get everyone to understand his feelings... due to a combination of Kurama's bullshit levels of chakra and somehow him performing Ninshu on fucking accident(Something not even Hagoromo could somehow do despite having the Jyuubi within him) which would have never happened without #1...
  10. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

    All that tells me is no different than what happens with NTR: You have a bunch of degenerates who have poor spending habits and more money than most spending it to get their awful fetishes validated. Which unfortunately leads to the effect that good artists goes to where the money is and then be homogenized to that "style" no matter what(Which I have sadly seen happen to many good artists).
  11. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

    Oh yeah right, if you guys want the biggest crash course on how RWBY x JL Part 2 goes... here's a clip of Yang vs. fucking EVERYONE and how they made the Justice League so weak to make RWBY look better :hestonpls Man, this is a truly trash crossover.
  12. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

    Yeah at this point, RWBY is gonna kill people... literally.
  13. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

    Yeah, I'm legit surprised that CharacterRant actually has done a real good job at an actual good rant for once. Modern Powerscaling is massive shit and someone actually made a real good post on why it became so shit: I think this is why most people gravitate to Death Battle but at the same time, too many people look at the wrong thing entirely. People don't factor in character personality, the place, the situation, how would a character interact with an ability, can he even do so at this level of power, etc, etc. This is a constant problem with most Modern VS sites like Spacebattles and VSB, there's no imagination, just cold hard numbers(and lying your ass off and having people believe it) and that's what fucks it all up.
  14. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

    I'm a Druid lol.
  15. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

    @Thegoldenboy2188 Happy Brithday you little bastard lol.
  16. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

    Nah, I actually like doing the alt game since I tend to do OCs, like it's not difficult at all anymore especially seeing my brother play FFXIV now but it would just be time consuming to get them all to current levels and such and I have neglected my library way too damn hard to get back into XIV like that.
  17. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

    https://www.fanverse.org/threads/kishimoto-doesnt-have-interest-to-write-about-boruto.1305007/ >Here's this interview guys, Kishimoto isn't writing Boruto guys, I swear" >Completely ignore both Ikemoto and Kodachi has stated Kishimoto is writing Boruto now >It's very obvious Kishimoto is writing Boruto as he's doing it similar to how he did Axed 8 Seriously, these delusions are absolutely sad at this point.
  18. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

    That is true right there but there is still plenty of explanations we don't know about this Universe, those who have intelligence and so on and so forth.
  19. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

    Trust me, no one likes that shit either and I already feel like people are start becoming fully radicalized to an insane degree even in the Blue States(as they became Sanctuary States due to wanting to "own Trump" and now, you have Red States straight up packing illegals into those same places causing the residents to lose their shit and realize their politicians don't care about them and just their image) and it will be the same thing with people getting tired with this American VA Politics. The boiling point is gonna get tipped so hard and it's not even funny.
  20. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

    EXACTLY! It was never supposed to be used against them, they wanted to benefit from it without having to deal with any of the downsides but fucking surprise, what we knew would happen ultimately happened against them and now they are shocked, SHOCKED that this applies to them! Something we have stated for years have come to roost and is now pidgeonholing them into roles that will never be plentiful because surprise, most creators never account for specific races when making their media and demanding them to will just make them resist even moreso. It's the consequences of the culture they created that will now eat them alive just like it did for Tara Strong and Mark Hamill and no one's gonna feel sad for them because they helped that very culture which is eating them alive. Fuck them, fuck the American VAs that participated in this farce, I legit hope the Japanese Creators/Companies tear their asses apart like Oda and Shueisha did to the OPLA more often so it's their way or the...