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  1. Atem

    OBD Convo #23: The Light Always Wins

    Armored Core is back baby. @sir_fire
  2. Atem

    OBD Convo #23: The Light Always Wins

    It was a meme.
  3. Atem

    OBD Convo #23: The Light Always Wins

    Absolutely based random kid snuck into the game awards and stole Elden Ring's award for his rabbi Bill Clinton. I ain't even mad. This is most entertaining the Games Award has been in years. What a troll.
  4. Atem

    OBD Convo #23: The Light Always Wins

  5. Atem

    OBD Convo #23: The Light Always Wins

    @Gordo Happy birthday, bro 2.0.
  6. Atem

    OBD Convo #23: The Light Always Wins

    @Adamant soul Happy birthday, bro.
  7. Atem

    OBD Convo #23: The Light Always Wins

  8. Atem

    OBD Convo #23: The Light Always Wins

    It also feels a lot like The Expanse which is nice. It's a great show.
  9. Atem

    OBD Convo #23: The Light Always Wins

    This is just action horror and not survival horror anymore. Admittedly, gameplay actually looks sick when you play it like it's a fighting game but that kinda defeats any horror aspects of it. Sure, Dead Space relied a lot on jumpscares, but if you tried to go melee it would be very jank and clunky. Here melee is the preferred form of combat with ranged weapons being used to combo in. They made the mistake of making Jacob too badass. Only the security robots are a legitimate threat that can instant kill him and he can't beat them conventionally. The rest of the enemies, even the Alpha who is supposed to be a super soldier, get their ass beat by Jacob because he is just too good at beating ass. Which brings us back to action horror rather than survival horror. Story is alright though. Very Dead Space. Government conspiracy causing monster outbreaks for them evolution points.
  10. Atem

    OBD Convo #23: The Light Always Wins

    Bonked by a giant.
  11. Atem

    OBD Convo #23: The Light Always Wins

    Abandoned Tempus Maledictum in favor of Nordic Souls. Cause I prefer the approach it has to combat. @Astaro If you ever get a good PC try it out. Gonna post a vid soon.
  12. Atem

    OBD Convo #23: The Light Always Wins

    It's Skyrim. More than a decade later, and it's as buggy as ever. Anniversary introduced new ones. Suggest looking for a patch or just get a decent mod pack with AE support. They usually patch up everything by default. Wait, are you console?
  13. Atem

    OBD Convo #23: The Light Always Wins

    Gonna try Tempus Maledictus for Skyrim when I get back from work. Looks and plays good.
  14. Atem

    OBD Convo #23: The Light Always Wins

    Well, Dead Space remake then. Fuck I am this desperate for more Dead Space. 😔
  15. Atem

    OBD Convo #23: The Light Always Wins

    You're welcome. :sohard
  16. Atem

    OBD Convo #23: The Light Always Wins

    Dodge is fucking BROKEN. Horror isn't as good as Dead Space either.
  17. Atem

    OBD Convo #23: The Light Always Wins

    And The Callisto Protocol is shit. Fuck. Got a feeling this is another Mighty Number 9 fiasco. Where the remake of Dead Space is gonna be better. People with a RTX 4080 struggle at just high settings, gameplay is like The Last of Us, there are not even as many weapons as Dead Space 1, the only improvement is that telekinesis works on enemies now, integrated world UI is so small that you can't see it, whereas you can see it just fine in Dead Space. Besides the gore, which is also better, like really good gore, and the telekinesis, the game is worse than Dead Space. The emphasis on melee hurt it because the melee is bad.
  18. Atem

    OBD Convo #23: The Light Always Wins

    Work, bro. I got night shifts. Thanks for the invite though.