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  1. B

    OBD Convo #17: Beyond Ultimate

    You know I do find it kind of weird how all this shit made power level wankers happy, but shouldn't this, in their eyes, made Saitama weaker than they thought? Because wankers always said he was a gag character and he can one shot everything, but the current chapters have disproven that. Saitama has mostly been the most serious he's ever been and his strength is not infinite, only his potential, so like with Hulk or Broly, someone strong enough can just beat him before he gets too strong.
  2. B

    OBD Convo #17: Beyond Ultimate

    Also, I'm just going to say it but that's a pretty sad looking censor on Saitama. Although I am more used to seeing Andy's censor bar. :dank
  3. B

    OBD Convo #17: Beyond Ultimate

    Yes, he still had other Genos' core in his hand, but he doesn't know why it's there, so when he saw it he freaked out thinking he's dead. Also a dick joke, because Murata thought this was the perfect time for that.
  4. B

    OBD Convo #17: Beyond Ultimate

    If Saitama doesn't remember anything before he time traveled, then most of this fight was Murata just wanting a big fight. And erased any character development Saitama and Garou got from this. Time travel and amnesia? That's not just bad writing, that's impressively bad writing. :smh
  5. B

    OBD Convo #17: Beyond Ultimate

    Looks like OPM fanboys are having fun with this chapter, and it hasn't even been fully translated yet. I wonder how well the series is going to continue after this arc considering only the power level wankers are enjoying this fight, like KOL, and after this there will be very little involving power levels. Which will have mostly mini-arcs involving characters, whose key moments during this arc have be taken out.