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  1. Cryso Agori

    OBD Convo #25: Merry Christmas!!!!

    Well this is a theory with no evidence but probably 🤑💰💰💰
  2. Cryso Agori

    OBD Convo #25: Merry Christmas!!!!

    No actually, S2P still going huh, I actually forgot there gan models, wondering if this is Stable Diffusion or something else.
  3. Cryso Agori

    OBD Convo #25: Merry Christmas!!!!

    Ohio Steve slaps.
  4. Cryso Agori

    OBD Convo #25: Merry Christmas!!!!

    This trend is awesome. The pure energy these images exude of being familiar enough that you recognize them but changed enough that the feeling is different is great. Especially the 80s atmosphere. We really need text to video to become a thing so we can actually make 80s dark fantasy films.
  5. Cryso Agori

    OBD Convo #25: Merry Christmas!!!!

    Anyway, I don't think you need to change the logo and background yet. Mostly cause I really like it. You can do it once you get a bigger budget/maybe when you do like a season 2 of the podcast? Probably could also have Darth cohost as well. :mjpls
  6. Cryso Agori

    OBD Convo #25: Merry Christmas!!!!

    Oh, I think it's great, definitely encapsulates a trolly/comedic feel that fits this forum. The orange also meshes well with it, good color theory. Only problem is that its from a comic and idk but I think DC can copyright comic images/panels? If they can they could probably sue for stealing Lex's likeness for the logo:catwat
  7. Cryso Agori

    OBD Convo #25: Merry Christmas!!!!

    Its fine bro, its still's a good intro imo :yousmart
  8. Cryso Agori

    OBD Convo #25: Merry Christmas!!!!

    Also tbh I think it definitely needs a script. To many pauses or um's can drain the watchers attention and cause them to click off. Also helps mesh what your saying together so it doesn't feel like your just jumping from one point to the next. Also, I heard that most YouTubers and voice actors usually keep a cup of water around to take sips from to keep their lips and throats from going dry. Probably would want to use that, makes your voice clearer even if you can edit it later.
  9. Cryso Agori

    OBD Convo #25: Merry Christmas!!!!

    I see what you did there :mjpls
  10. Cryso Agori

    OBD Convo #25: Merry Christmas!!!!

    I can now never remember DanTDM as wholesome anymore :mjgrin
  11. Cryso Agori

    OBD Convo #25: Merry Christmas!!!!

    I hope this is actually good
  12. Cryso Agori

    OBD Convo #25: Merry Christmas!!!!

    That part of his personality is rarely shown though. After Season 1 it's all kingdom building and grimderp. Like s1 was good in my opinion cause it wasn't grimderp and Ainz had nice interactions with darkness. But after there deaths? Ainz doesn't really change, he just decides to listen to his NPC's and take over the world. Would've been better story if they didn't die.
  13. Cryso Agori

    OBD Convo #25: Merry Christmas!!!!

    tbh, that just makes him worse in my eyes. Ainz feels like he's just been manufactured to become instantly evil when he gets turned undead cause he was already a husk of a human beforehand. No actual personality other than being a player.
  14. Cryso Agori

    OBD Convo #25: Merry Christmas!!!!

    Just built different :mjlol