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  1. Dead Lock

    Transformers feats/discussion

    Rank The Thirteen in power excluding Prima based on your own head-canon and analysis of their abilities.
  2. Dead Lock

    Transformers feats/discussion

    If I may ask, how good was his 'recent' solo series?
  3. Dead Lock

    Transformers feats/discussion

    How strong is IDW Grimlock
  4. Dead Lock

    Transformers feats/discussion

    Everything isn't there, because the 13 are still low megaversal!
  5. Dead Lock

    Transformers feats/discussion

    I'd chalk this up to Transformers just having versions of Doctor Who/Stephan King entities in their multiverse, nearly not enough proof to confirm it as them being canon to each other like there is with the MMM/DC stuff. Just like Doctor Strange encountering a version of Arioch in Strange Tales and fusing with him to defeat Shuma-Gorath.
  6. Dead Lock

    Transformers feats/discussion

    Megatron forcibly absorbs the energy of a black hole amping himself, and Windcharger sends this black-hole amped Megatron flying. Sorry for the low quality, this shit is obscure as fuck.
  7. Dead Lock

    Transformers feats/discussion

    He's still in your game? I thought he went to cui-land long after he got jumped and kick-stomped by The Thirteen and Sol, mecha edition