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  1. Emil

    Event Finding Nina

  2. Emil

    Event Finding Nina

    "I slept for so long feels like 5 weeks passed. I see the gate is still closed. When you want something you gotta do it yourself huh"
  3. Emil

    Event Finding Nina

    odd this hard on forum imagine a mafia game with only 3 players where we need to ask the host for every action we make lol
  4. Emil

    Event Finding Nina

    "The wizard must've had made a stew with the lass already. We should just go back to the village and tell them we found no girl. :hestonpls "
  5. Emil

    Event Finding Nina

    ("I am looking very silly right now. Need to save face quickly..") "Shahem. Perhaps I now know how to get us in, yet I'd like for you to try to do so. Think of it as... practice, you could say" "You are smart enough. I am sure you can figure it out just as I did. Hint: Take a look at what's the connection between the 4 words." "I will take a short nap until you do so. Wake me when you've got it."
  6. Emil

    Event Finding Nina

    "Tsk.. This sword won't stop nagging" Keklord reaches to the sword on his back and pulls it out, then sighs "You are hungry huh?" Keklord rushes impatiently towards the blackstone, pushing aside his teammates, and slashes it precisely using Blackrazor in an attempt to carve out Eflin "Eat some of this blackstone, 'razor!!"
  7. Emil

    Event Finding Nina

    "The Targaryen Itt squire brothers Batch Itt and Bolch Itt"
  8. Emil

    Event Finding Nina

    "The giant wizard must have used a spell on the stone to get in." "There has to be some little wizardry tricks in here" Keklord looks at the stone and yells. "Open Sesame!"
  9. Emil

    Event Finding Nina

    "Dammit not now, not now.."
  10. Emil

    Event Finding Nina

    "They pour me wine and hold me bags"
  11. Emil

    Event Finding Nina

    "I got it!" "The words are telling us something. We should decay the excess word." "Begone the excess word by decaying it. The excess word would then be 'Elfin'." "Yahahaha. I am smarter than I look." "Any way to decay any part of this stone, aside from waiting 3 million years?"
  12. Emil

    Event Finding Nina

    *crack* "ughh" Keklord looks back at his team and shrugs, signaling that he is out of options.
  13. Emil

    Event Finding Nina

    Keklord pushes the stone like he is about to give birth to a dragon.
  14. Emil

    Event Finding Nina

    Keklord sits down and squeezes every ounce of brain power he has. He rushes into any idea that comes into his mind and blurts it out loud "I got it!" "One of the 3 words is an excessive word and must be omitted. This makes the number of the words match with '3, 3'" "We should omit the word 'Excess'... somehow"
  15. Emil

    Event Finding Nina

    "Someone move this stone before I piss meself"
  16. Emil

    Event Finding Nina

  17. Emil

    Event Finding Nina

    "Does this gibberish carved on the door mean anything to you guys? I would like to head back home before nightfall"
  18. Emil

    Event Finding Nina

    Keklord is aware of his lack of mental capabilities and does not expect to be able to solve the mystery of the carvings on his own. He reaches into his backpack to grab a torch and a lighter. "Ah we'll do it the good ol' way then. Burn them all!!!"
  19. Emil

    Event Finding Nina

    "Hmm let's take a closer look.."
  20. Emil

    Event Finding Nina

    "begone elfin decay excess 3 3 What do those have in common?"