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  1. Jesse Pinkman

    Programming Courses and Learning Resources

    Btw if anyone wants to learn Deep learning NLP Speech recognition Text to speech synthesis They are key to learn Speech and language processing .
  2. Jesse Pinkman

    Programming Courses and Learning Resources

    Yes Devin AI is really amazing but still long way for AI to replace competant programmer but it’s on the way.
  3. Jesse Pinkman

    Programming Courses and Learning Resources

    A very good decision you made because core Computer science work will be taken over by AI soon .
  4. Jesse Pinkman

    Programming Courses and Learning Resources

    It’s time peps learn how to use LLM . I am currently working on AI it’s crazy how fast expansion of LLM model have thrived . Learn to maximum use of GPT-4 and Llama in your work and Academic environment . This big boy is like Gear 5 Luffy making waves in IT world just saying . Era of software engineers may be over learn Prompt Engineering . @Ral check this out -: Hugging face : There are many open source LLM model to start with . This is good place to start with if you have no clue what exactly is ChatGPT and its use case :