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  1. Nep Nep

    Pokemon Reborn

    I guess you don't mean Pokemon Insurgence in that case, considering it has easy ways to grind out a perfect party. I don't mind making a competitive party... the problem is games like Reborn don't let you get hidden abilities or perfect movesets. In insurgence, before gym 1 you can catch a Delta Pokemon (type change) that can help you get through Gym 1's sun team. After that you have access to breeding, all important breeding items, a mini game that makes money fast, and a secret base that lets you have ev trainers, level trainers, items, healing, and access to wild mon with hidden abilities all in one place. So before gym 2 you can immediately start crafting competitive ready mons and do it very easily, and once you finish there's no need to grind ever again. IV's aren't important.
  2. Nep Nep

    Pokemon Reborn

    Ya'll got some balls and hella patience to put up with Reborn. Props.
  3. Nep Nep

    Pokemon Reborn

    Thanks, gonna need it.
  4. Nep Nep

    Pokemon Reborn

    Gross as it may sound I'm actually playing through Sword and Violet, considering that despite years/months long boycott, 20 million idiots still bought it so. Might as well at this point...
  5. Nep Nep

    Pokemon Reborn

    Oh here's some pics With my Mega Eevee party OG team with Mega Flygon
  6. Nep Nep

    Pokemon Reborn

    Sadly I lost my insurgence file ages ago. A shame too, one time I tried to get people into it by providing a competitive ready Torchick, Totodile, and Snivy with their HA's some good moves, and even a few that were fully ev trained. Didn't work. I bred 30 of those fucks. -sigh- You can trade really early on so I was going to give everyone one starter of their choice.
  7. Nep Nep

    Pokemon Reborn

    I thought about it but the more I read about it seemed that the challenge was not skill based but more, we're going to restrict you hard while NPCs have full options. I like Pokemon Insurgence better. It's challenging but you're given all of the tools you need early on to breed a perfect team. So rather than forcing unfair bs on you while pitting you against competitive teams, it's competitive teams vs competitive teams. Reborn is like when you start over a JRPG and turn on the no experience, only starting weapon option. Some people like that I guess, but I personally don't.