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  1. Raidou Kuzunoha

    OBD Convo #10: Spirit Never Dies

    So, turns out the english va is a trans woman. Which is L O L cuz Testament STILL sounds like a guy.
  2. Raidou Kuzunoha

    OBD Convo #10: Spirit Never Dies

    Sounds just like the Matrix shit. Being that the whole movie is about being trans and shit. Which I dunno how the fuck kung fu fighting dudes in suits and guns and giant robots contribute to that shit. Also I call bullshit cuz I was reading japanese comments and they were just as fucking confused and baffled.
  3. Raidou Kuzunoha

    OBD Convo #10: Spirit Never Dies

    Hotashi actually apologized for that lmao
  4. Raidou Kuzunoha

    OBD Convo #10: Spirit Never Dies

    The funny thing is you got characters like Astolfo in Fate who just blatantly looks like a girl but is still a guy regardless, no questions asked. Like you can look super pretty but still be a guy at the end of the day. Which is not new in anime. Or having D'on being sorta ambiguous based on his lore but still kind of a guy. Like I don't mind if the character was already built like that from the start but I hate shit being stuffed down my throat. Its like the Matrix shit all over again.
  5. Raidou Kuzunoha

    OBD Convo #10: Spirit Never Dies

    Its steeper than that, arcsys basically turned Testament into a non-binary. Mostly in the west. Full They pronouns and everything. Which is bizarre on its own. Blatantly more with him having completely different sounding voices in both english and japanese.