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  1. Ral

    Civilization Texas winter storm: Over 70,000 Texans are without power as arctic cold front hits state

    It's those bitcoin miners bro; so many memecoins flooding the market and burning holes in the no zone :blobcry
  2. Ral

    Civilization Texas winter storm: Over 70,000 Texans are without power as arctic cold front hits state

    Bro where tf is this infrastructure plan rollout. You know, Texans spent many a years making fun of us Yankee's because we flock to southern states when the snow is dog shit during winter. Now who's laughing? :blobfacade In all seriousness, hope y'all don't lose power and everyone else that did can make it through this temporary power outage. Heard about that kid who froze to death from the last time it happened and I was sad to shit for a whole month... :blobcry