Search results for query: *

  1. Ral

    Mafia General Discussion

    Looks to be working for me :hm Try clearing your browser cache. A few other questions: 1. Does this happen on all of your devices? 2. Which browser does this occur the most on? 3. Have you tried different browsers? I'll also need the thread and post you last tried it on and if you can, try multi-quoting this post here. The WYSIWYG editor is all JavaScript, so ideally it would come down to an issue on the client-side (your device/browser) or the forum asset side (where it loads the JavaScript that inserts the quite into the reply box.
  2. Ral

    Mafia General Discussion

    Lynchin'.... flinchin...
  3. Ral

    Mafia General Discussion

    Can we get some turbo games up in this ish?? At least it'll get some of us pumped up before the other games!
  4. Ral

    Mafia General Discussion

    I've shifted my focus a bit from the main addon I've been working on as of lately, and I'm exploring the addition of a temp drop-down for host tools in game threads for the time being. This will allow for temp disabling/enabling of post reactions in Mafia-related threads. I'll also integrate that addon that @T-Pein™ found that allows the thread owner to manually close/reopen their threads so the tools are all in one place. This way, when I finish the main Mafioso addon, I can easily migrate the code from the temp tools into the main addon. I hope this will calm yo asses down about night phase reactions abuse... at least for now... :tchpepe
  5. Ral

    Mafia General Discussion this would work excellent in combination with that addon. I would have to add an additional permission to the addon to allow for the Lock Thread permissions to apply to collaborators too.
  6. Ral

    Mafia General Discussion

    @Ultra it is done :catjamn
  7. Ral

    Mafia General Discussion

    My thoughts exactly!
  8. Ral

    Mafia General Discussion

    @Ultra, I found where the post preview is configurable lol. It's style-based, so I'd need to apply it for all styles on the forum, and it would be specifically applied to post search results only, as in this scenario, unless it needs to be extended elsewhere as well. Currently, the preview limit is set to 300 characters. If you'd like me to increase that, I can. Just let me know what's a reasonable amount!
  9. Ral

    Mafia General Discussion

    Search results per page is configurable, but it's global, so everyone will end up with the same amount of posts per page. It can still be increased, if needed, but I'm not too sure about increasing the preview size of the post content. It could be increased as well, if needed, just needs some digging around for an option/template to tweak.
  10. Ral

    Mafia General Discussion

    It's at 2k now, but if that's still not enough, lmk, and I'll try for 3k, and hope for the best :risitas
  11. Ral

    Mafia General Discussion

    I set it to 2k, lmk if you experience any slowdowns :tchpepe
  12. Ral

    Mafia General Discussion

    10k was too much lol was slowing down the forum quite a fit and had to set it back down to at least 500, sorry @Ekkologix
  13. Ral

    Mafia General Discussion

    ISO/Post-in-thread search by users has been increased to return a max of 10,000 posts/records. The previous limit was set to 200 total results, with a max of 10 pages, which wasn't sufficient for a complete ISO on a user in a game thread. This will also apply to the "Who Replied?" feature, which uses the same search query, but is mostly used as a shortcut. This change was made based on the suggestion of @Ekkologix. If anyone notices any unusual slowness in the forum, please let me know! I'll adjust the search results to a reasonable amount to ensure everyone has a good browsing experience on the forum. Thanks, and happy shitposting!
  14. Ral

    Mafia General Discussion

    Eastern Standard Time (EDT atm).
  15. Ral

    Mafia General Discussion

    I support this.
  16. Ral

    Mafia General Discussion

    ONGOD :catjamn Here I am!! :lul H-how could you forget?! :catsad Correct-o! :yousmart Forever enslaved with hopes of million-dollar mansions and vroom vrooms :blobcry
  17. Ral

    Mafia General Discussion

    Happy burfday bear dood! @Ultra
  18. Ral

    Mafia General Discussion

    I removed the Ghosting rule entirely since game communication covers it for the most part. Number 6 now looks like this after your added suggestion: Out-of-Game Communication: Please refrain from referencing or discussing an ongoing game outside of the designated game thread. All discussions should take place within the specific game threads unless otherwise specified. If it's still not up to part, feel free to reword it as you see fit.
  19. Ral

    Mafia General Discussion

    I updated the rules with your proposed change, and I also rearranged them a bit. How about the "No Ghosting" rule, do any of the other rules cover that part already or does it need more clarification?
  20. Ral

    Mafia General Discussion

    How would you reword it? For reference, this is the current wording as of this post: Role Secrecy: Do not reveal your role or share game-related information outside of the game thread, unless your role allows it. I thought about chopping the last part up, and simply putting "unless the game host allows it". Even though @Ultra stated that most games allow for role revealing, future games and hosts may not allow for it, so we should leave that option on the table to allow some flexibility.