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  1. Stocking Anarchy

    unpopular opinions thread: olf o bee dee edition

    I have come to completely and utterly abhor the term 'consuming content' (and variations thereoff, such as 'media to consume' and so forth). It is so utterly soulless, insincere and corporate.
  2. Stocking Anarchy

    unpopular opinions thread: olf o bee dee edition

    Deadpool 2 is an unfunny mediocre movie (I can't remember much about Deadpool 1, but Deadpool too was a bore and I just wanted it to be over)
  3. Stocking Anarchy

    unpopular opinions thread: olf o bee dee edition

    Some animu hot takes. Rengoku vs Akaza is a ridiculously overrated fight scene and the epitemy of style over substance. Yes it's excellently animated and the music is timed perfectly, but thematically and emotionally it's hollow. A guy we know nothing about suddenly having more backstory crammed in as the fight is happening vs some high level demon out of nowhere who wants to make Rengoku a demon because of da powah levelz (despite literally none of Rengoku's group having done this ever). I was waiting for a twist where it turned out where Akaza was Rengoku's brother, because surely the fightscene had something. Then my friend reminded me that each of the strongest demons are centuries old. I have no problem at all with how Aang defeated Firelord Ozai.
  4. Stocking Anarchy

    unpopular opinions thread: olf o bee dee edition

    Having a formula or recurring archtypes is not a bad thing in and of itself. It's always good for this formula to be altered and changed every now and then of course to avoid getting stagnant, but chances are it's these storybeats and character archtypes who draw in fans because they like characters and stories like that (chances are your own favourite franchise has formulas and archtypes too). Also I liked Code Geass.
  5. Stocking Anarchy

    unpopular opinions thread: olf o bee dee edition

    Jurassic Park: The Lost World is the best Jurassic Park movie and I will die on that hill. Almost every anituber I've seen is unfunny and cringe, just repeating the most basic NPC talking points and jokes you can think of.
  6. Stocking Anarchy

    unpopular opinions thread: olf o bee dee edition

    Nothing in particular. I just love underwater stuff.
  7. Stocking Anarchy

    unpopular opinions thread: olf o bee dee edition

    Just bumping this thread to say... I love underwater levels. They are almost always my favourite level in the game, and I wish there where more of them.
  8. Stocking Anarchy

    unpopular opinions thread: olf o bee dee edition

    There's nothing wrong with a story being political. Stories have gotten political for over a century now. It's just that so many modern stories either grind the story to a halt to soapbox directly to the audience, or are insincere with their messege just so they can pander to certain demographs.
  9. Stocking Anarchy

    unpopular opinions thread: olf o bee dee edition

    Pathfinder > DnD (even though it's been years since I played either, and both are cool)
  10. Stocking Anarchy

    unpopular opinions thread: olf o bee dee edition

    Back at uni I'd always skip Marvel and DC (except for Vertigo/Black Label) to go for the manga, Vertigo, European comics, Dark Horse, indie titles, local comics and sometimes select Image Comics (Image did suffer a lot from some of the same issues that Marvel comics went through at the end of last decade). Skyrim Civil War is the least interesting mainline TES questline out of any game, and I felt this way since the game first came out. Most shounen are just alright to me. Not bad per say, but with stuff like Dragon Ball, Bleach, One Piece and Toriko I was only able to make a certain way into each before loosing interest (last shounen I tried watching was Fire Force and I made it up to about episode 5). Even for ones I really liked such as JJBA and YYH I haven't continued them. The only shounens I've finished are FMA and Death Note.
  11. Stocking Anarchy

    unpopular opinions thread: olf o bee dee edition

    Little Witch Academia >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Harry Potter Con Air is unironically a masterpiece. I still to this day don't understand why people dis on The Matrix 2 and 3. Rengoku vs Akaza is a ridiculously overrated fight scene with all flash and no substance. Knights of Sidonia kind of sucked. While it was still a good game, The Force Unleashed 2 felt rushed, and is definately a step down from the first game. I never saw an issue with Cell being a Solar System buster or Roshi being a Moon buster. Same with universal/multiversal Kratos. I'm aware of the controversy around said topics, but whatever. They seem fine.
  12. Stocking Anarchy

    unpopular opinions thread: olf o bee dee edition

    Fantasy is cooler than shounen and superheroes. Diebuster! and Nono seem to get dissed quite a bit around these parts or some reason for some reason. Don't think I didn't see you. I have never finished a Gundam series. Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West are cool games and I don't get the hate (outside some screenshots which by themselves look weird, but then again most of the game looks fine). James Camoran's Avatar isn't as bad as everyone says it is. While it's true that it's not memorable and very derivative, but it's still an enjoyable movie with lots of pretty colours. I'd say it's better than most MCU movies. Terminator 1 > Terminator 2 Predator 2 > Predator 1 Predators is fine as a scifi survival horror movie in itself, it just doesn't hold up to the first two movies (it's still much better than what comes after). Spiderman: Homecoming is one of the best MCU movies which does right what a lot of other MCU titles didn't. Borat is one of the worst movies I...