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  1. Vermiform

    Event Post and I'll give you your personal spirit beetle

    Yeah @Ral likey that very muchey 🍑
  2. Vermiform

    Event Post and I'll give you your personal spirit beetle

    I don't do direct references when it's about what I feel fits you as a spiritual beetle. You got a carrion beetle and to be precise one of the most strikingly iconic ones too: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicrophorus_interruptus Aside from being the perfect symbol for metal and halloween carrion beetles were also among the first animals being carved by ancient humans dating back thousand of years ago, for some reason our ancestors were mesmerised by these beetles. It's also worth mentioning that some of the members of this group of beetles are the one of the two only known examples of arthropod parasitoids of vertebrates, a parasitoid is any organism that kills its hosts usually devouring it to continue on as a free living adult. In the case of these beetles they lay their eggs next to snake eggs and when the larvae hatch they get inside the eggs and eat the snake fetuses alive, making them essentially snake killers. So I say you got a pretty sweet deal there. Time to fix.
  3. Vermiform

    Event Post and I'll give you your personal spirit beetle

    He's ridged. Wait... you're outright asking? I will later I promise! Also waiting for @Ral to realise his is Pinsir and the weeb's choice. In fact all of you got a beetle with a meaning behind it and I take personal offence from @Ruffles negligence to notice what I did for his sorry ass... He's been nothing but mean and antagonistic to me and it hurts... it really does... How can a man with the face and aura of a rock demigod be so cruel... I am baffled by Ruffle...
  4. Vermiform

    Event Post and I'll give you your personal spirit beetle

    Worst worst beetle means best beetle :shurisadist
  5. Vermiform

    Event Post and I'll give you your personal spirit beetle

    I dunno man I don't know you so I had to pick based on your name and that's the worst worst beetle ever.
  6. Vermiform

    Event Post and I'll give you your personal spirit beetle

    Silly word but pretty much right attitude, you seem fun whether or not you actually take my postings for real or not :catsalute And yeah thought you'd pick the more gothic one, else I would have forced the more colourful based on questionable judgement. I'll do you a bit later... but oh man I'll do you good.
  7. Vermiform

    Event Post and I'll give you your personal spirit beetle

    Then again you seem to be more of the "weird in a good way" type of dudette so maybe... You know what for being a good bug listener I'll let you pick! 🪲
  8. Vermiform

    Event Post and I'll give you your personal spirit beetle

    I won't rush this so be patient. Wanna watch a Black Mirror episode, eat yogurt, play a game for a bit and then I'll be back.
  9. Vermiform

    Event Post and I'll give you your personal spirit beetle

    Using this baby: https://www.kaefer-der-welt.de/index.htm I've been promoting this site for some time now all over the net whenever I can, good to see it got updated this year too which means this absolute mad lad is still out recording beetles worldwide 🪲