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  1. Vermiform

    jane ama.

    I feel dirty using "science" as a term nowadays when they turned it into a pseudo-religion.
  2. Vermiform

    jane ama.

    Cold science/logic >>> deep thoughts/smoked philosophy any day any time any reality :syshocked:
  3. Vermiform

    jane ama.

    I meant your son lacks half the genetic material to become a complete specimen... :lolwat
  4. Vermiform

    jane ama.

    Yeah, he's still in your testicle and is half a person.
  5. Vermiform

    jane ama.

    Also @Odd get help man. I need you sober for what I've prepared.
  6. Vermiform

    jane ama.

    I'm no physicist but from what I've been shown in documentaries and questionably authentic youtube videos you won't need to be high to witness some pretty sweet psychedelic sights and visions as reality around you falls apart.
  7. Vermiform

    jane ama.

    Thanos finding Death's Only Fans account.
  8. Vermiform

    jane ama.

    Half a foot for a toe is a fair offer.
  9. Vermiform

    jane ama.

    My point exactly. Big crunch, big rip, big chill or cyclic renewal? Which cosmic life cycle do you subscribe to?
  10. Vermiform

    jane ama.

  11. Vermiform

    jane ama.

    Типично по американски :catskully
  12. Vermiform

    jane ama.

    Nah, I prefer banitsa :maybe
  13. Vermiform

    jane ama.

    Typical american :catskully
  14. Vermiform

    jane ama.

    She's a vengeful corpse, of course she's interested in tearing out the guts and teeth of whoever robbed her of a full life.
  15. Vermiform

    jane ama.

  16. Vermiform

    jane ama.

    If you ever met me in person what would you ask me straight in the face without consideration for any ethics or obligations?
  17. Vermiform

    jane ama.

    Taking into consideration the price spike of pork loins here that sandwich would cost more than a fancy steak dinner at a restaurant. Dark times indeed.
  18. Vermiform

    jane ama.

  19. Vermiform

    jane ama.

    Fever is no laughing matter, even bitches need to be taken care of these day and age. May I suggest some ice tea and pork loin sandwiches?
  20. Vermiform

    jane ama.

    Now in five?