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  1. Vermiform

    Favorite song of all time?

    As for a more modern song? This one I like and hate... It showed up during arguably the worst and most confusing time in my life... A song I feel way too connected to to be able to enjoy daily.
  2. Vermiform

    Favorite song of all time?

    I have one for every major section of my life so why not go through them all by time of exposure and addiction? The very first song I remember hearing on MTV back in the very early 90s, possibly so early it's imprinted on a very deep level in my psyche. Almost same story but this one fascinated me a lot more... It sparked weird feelings and thoughts for a kid that hasn't even reached teen life yet. And ofc... THE rock song to get me hyped for the first time in my life! And the music clip? My God that video... And funny enough the first song I can claim to obsess me still does to this very day, a song I loved to death back when it came out for a movie I didn't know people hated until very very later on. And then we jump to the song I consider my number one right now since about 07.