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  1. Vermiform

    Politically Homeless

    Ya'll need some eusocialism. Just follow the ants, bees, termites and naked mole rats, what could possibly go wrong?
  2. Vermiform

    Politically Homeless

    Prove them wrong, both the "right" and the "left". We're back at tribalism, though to be honest humans are built to default to that form of organisation and sociality when feeling threatened.
  3. Vermiform

    Politically Homeless

    I still don't freaking know what liberal means. Growing up here all we kids knew was that dictators are communists and that democracy is freedom and order. Press forward to the 2010s on the net and suddenly I learn there's only right and left and that somehow while both paths lead to opposite directions when they go too far they both end up in dictatorship, be it communism or fascism or corporatism or theocracy or whatever other names we have for someone using people and rights as statistics.
  4. Vermiform

    Politically Homeless

    When will people learn that political parties and movements do not consider them as people. Hell people don't consider other people people.