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  1. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #24: Xmas goes to those with courage

    I only recently found out Kino is German for Cinema... Man, you learn something new every day.
  2. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #24: Xmas goes to those with courage

    Of course they did...
  3. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #24: Xmas goes to those with courage

    WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY MAKE SEQUELS!? And considering what happened in Korra, there is literally no point to the Avatar's existence anymore since it would just be Korra and that's it.
  4. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #24: Xmas goes to those with courage

    Ya'll too small time if someone was to say that to me... I would give them a shot of the Nasu Beam, park their asses infront of a Prison Yard and make me some money :obamalaugh
  5. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #24: Xmas goes to those with courage

    That's Mother 2.
  6. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #24: Xmas goes to those with courage

    He's also Dub Karna as well which is a massive surprise: People say that he makes Karna too full of life but honestly? I never believed even with the Japanese VA Karna didn't have any life in his step, just sheer detachment until it came to battle in which he will start showing emotional input.
  7. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #24: Xmas goes to those with courage

    It really does feel like that Murata/ONE are trying really, REALLY hard to make the Manga go in it's own direction but by doing so, they completely obliterated what made OPM... OPM. The entire series is an anti-thesis to most Shonen and hell, it constantly made fun of it even in the Manga and Anime. Now the Manga is being exactly the same nonsense that it parodies and I wouldn't be surprised if the Anime goes in the same direction than the Webcomic. Really speaks volumes that this didn't happen to Mob Psycho and thank Merciful Fuck that it didn't. EDIT: Yeah, I looked at the Twitter feed and yeah, Tatsumaki and Fubuki getting along like nothing happened spits upon the very issues they have(Tatsumaki is so overprotective, she would very much kill Fubuki's subordinates believing they are holding her back meanwhile Fubuki hates Tatsumaki due to that overprotectiveness and basically weakens herself due to seeing herself as completely inferior). They even make lines that reference the...
  8. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #24: Xmas goes to those with courage

    Welcome back my dude.
  9. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #24: Xmas goes to those with courage

    In a sense, you are right but also in that same sense, they are also cutting shit way too soon and not giving it any real chance to breathe or giving them absolutely shitty editors that leads series to an early grave. So I ultimately agree and disagree all at once but yeah, the Isekai overload is getting ridiculous and isn't helping at all.
  10. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #24: Xmas goes to those with courage

    To be fair, American Comics was LONG fucked for precisely the opposite reason why Anime and Manga are thriving currently: They refused to actually create any real variety and primarily stuck to a single genre above all else. While the problems we see now are definitely major pratfalls that are accelerating the decline, refusing to really do anything to primarily get it out of the Superhero Genre, primarily sticking too hard to allowing the inmates to run the asylum rather than do atleast what other Countries do and allow the creators to own their shit and ultimately just not giving a rat's ass about really changing the scope truly fucked them over hardcore. Anime and Manga aren't really doing so well either(Not in terms of sale but in terms of actually allowing series to be unique and thrive) but there's a reason why it will be difficult to top them even when the worst happens meanwhile American Comics haven't been profitable for well over a decade.
  11. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #24: Xmas goes to those with courage

    No. As far as I'm aware, it's still under it's purview like that. Doesn't mean it can't go beyond that, it DID destroy Tiamat's strongest body after all and that shit was well beyond Planetary.
  12. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #24: Xmas goes to those with courage

    Guessing it isn't as hardcore as the All-Canon huh? :mjpls
  13. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #24: Xmas goes to those with courage

    It's funny in the Grand Order thread, people was going at it on whether or not Othinus would win or Archetype Earth would(Even bringing up it depends on which world's rules they are fighting in as well) and whether or not for those who like FGO to read/watch To Aru or not(It's seen as a consensus most don't really see it being exactly the same or dropped it after awhile) There are definitely parallels to the Nasuverse as a whole and To Aru but they aren't exactly a gateway series to each other.
  14. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #24: Xmas goes to those with courage

    MShadows has terrible tastes, news at 11. But seriously, OPM is honestly overhyped to hell and back, it's really not the good show people think it is. Mob Psycho 100 is a good show with virtually OPM's same premise just flipped and is much better for it. OPM Manga basically became what it mocked and there's a good chance the anime is gonna follow the same suit.
  15. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #24: Xmas goes to those with courage

    Revamped Albert Simon?
  16. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #24: Xmas goes to those with courage

    Honestly even comparing the first game to Schindler's List is a fucking travesty. Comparing the 2nd game to it is just basically being a retarded contrarian for the sake of it.
  17. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #24: Xmas goes to those with courage

    Here's the thing about that: Disney is anal about that shit because they have sole copyright over this shit and know people trying to profit off their shit would take so much money out of their pockets doing so. By comparison, someone stealing some lower-tier Artist shit isn't going to stop ANYTHING. They are ultimately profiting no real iota if they can't draw someone's shit Fursona anymore than if I want someone to draw the characters I want to make. AI Art is a goddamned science that can be easily stated to be Art itself if someone goes the whole nine yards, trying to ultimately trademark YOUR OWN ARTWORK to try and stifle AI Art would ultimately DESTROY THE ARTWORLD ITSELF in the same way Music Companies cannibalized the Music Industry as a whole. These people are that fucking inept.
  18. Xhominid The Apex

    OBD Convo #24: Xmas goes to those with courage

    It's honestly not going to go anywhere and if anything, is an absolute legal quagmire especially with Transformative Works and otherwise being in play. It's just a good amount of artists being jelly that people who can't draw now have the means to atleast express their works and think that their work will always be blatantly stolen like that person with the Raiden Shogun artwork(Which is dumber since we DO have the tools to point out heavily stolen artwork like that as is, meaning their bitching makes little sense).