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  1. sir_fire

    fav series ranking list: yup, it's time to have this thread too

    I'll start off simple, with my favorite Kamen Rider Shows. Kuuga 9/10: Super fucking good, holds up even to this day and the characterization is among the best. But the monster designs are kinda simplistic, almost Showa-like. Agito 9/10: Mainly for how much cooler the designs and costumes were compared to Kuuga but even then it's still a very good show and a worthy follow up, though I will say that Kuuga has much stronger writing. Ryuki 8/10: Cause of how much it deviated from the formula and that the cast just played off each other so well Faiz 7.5/10: My first Kamen Rider, but even I have to admit that it is largely carried by is Aesthetics and Kusaka, which almost makes up for many of its writing and plot flaws. Den-O 7/10: 2nd Kamen Rider, the Imagin are hilarious but the main riders are kinda boring and the villains leave much to be desired. Gaim 9.5/10: Almost perfect season. Everything about it is great and one can say that it is a tribute to all the seasons that came...