
  1. Stocking Anarchy

    Calc Happy Tree Friends calcs, part 5

    For a show where they die in almost every episode, this series sure has some impressive feats. As always, beware of extreme violence. 1. Mouse Ka-Boom explodes 1:19 Mouse Ka-Boom explodes, and Flippy survives the explosion at ground zero unscathed. Average height of a door is 2m (which I...
  2. Stocking Anarchy

    Calc Happy Tree Friends calcs, part 1

    Because I'm feeling nostalgic for this edgy show. Also be warned of graphic violence content (although I made an effort to avoid any while calcing). 1. Splendont drops the Moon 2:23 Spendont drops the Moon on Splendid, who survives this. The distance from the Moon to the Earth is 384,400km...