panty_&_stocking_ with_garterbelt

  1. Trigger-verse calc archive

    Here be important scientific documentation of all calcs I did from series in the Trigger-verse, series either made by Trigger, or made by the same people as Trigger before they formed Trigger, all of which are a part of the same shared cosmology. So far, this includes Dead Leaves, Gurren Lagann...
  2. Calc Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt - Stairway from Heaven

    Scanty and Kneesocks throw their weapons at Panty and Brief, but Stocking deflects them and flies down from Heaven. Now, to point out just how impressive this is, it's noted earlier in the series that Heaven resides beyond the entire Universe. To further back this up, Panty and Stocking have...
  3. Calc Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt - Instruments of destruction

    A giant Trans-Homer (which looks familiar for some reason, can't put my finger on it) appears and approaches the Earth. Diameter of the Earth is 12756.2km. 246 pixels = 12756.2km 1 pixel = 12756.2km/246 = 51.8544715km 51.8544715km X 433 = 22452.9862km 22452.9862km/2 = 11226.4931km...
  4. Calc Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt - Oscar H. Genius flies to the Moon

    On my last rewatch of Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, I noticed a few feats of note. To start, from the same episode that brought us large planet level Stocking comes another impressive feat. A ghost called Oscar H. Genius flies to the Moon by empowering himself with the nosebleeds of others...
  5. Calc Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt - Extinction

    The meteorite that wiped out the dinosaurs lands right on Garterbelt and he survives it. That at minimum would be 100 teratons, but here it and it's effects look even greater. Diameter of the Earth is 12756.2km, or 12756200m. 2135 pixels = 12756200m 1 pixel = 12756200m/2135 = 5974.80094m...
  6. Calc Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt - Stocking runs into space

    Stocking runs all around the planet to different countries before finally running into outer space. Even though there's a transition between each place, we can still see how fast Stockings is running in space through the movements of the Earth. R = (h/2) + c^2/(8h) = (67/2) + 789^2/(8 X 67)...
  7. Calc Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt - Trans-Homers arrive on Earth

    The Trans-Homers asteroids fly down to Earth. The Earth is also elecrified on their arrival, but I'm not sure how to calc that. Still, the speed is legitimate. Diameter of the Earth is 12756.2km. = 2*atan(431/(1592/tan(70/2))) = 0.255157025 rad = 14.6194206456502975 degrees Enter that through...
  8. Calc Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt - Jitz in my pants

    First off an NSFW warning... Stocking goes up the Moons nose with divine boogers and the Moon "sneezes" her out with a mass off...what is clearly not snot. First off of note, we see the Moon in scale with the Earth a few times. So it should be comparable to the IRL Moon. The initial sneeze...
  9. Trigger-verse feats, lore & respect discussion

    Another respect thread for the Trigger-verse, because there can never be enough of them. See also my threads on the old OBD (as well as the calc list), Spacebattles (for both Trigger and Gurren Lagann) and Comic Vine. We'll start The Trigger-verse is the shared universe/multiverse of everything...