
  1. Calc The Witcher- The Lodge of Sorceresses destroy Strygga Castle

    Triss, Jeira and Sabrina destroy Stygga Castle, causing colossal earthquakes felt at " the remotest ends of the world." These earthquakes are so considerable that windows shatter & busts topple over all the way over in Oxenfurt, when the seismic wave originated in Ebbing. As I can't stand...
  2. Calc The Witcher - Eredin calls down meteors

    Eredin calls down meteors during the final battle with Geralt. In case there's any doubt about them being meteors? The Guide confirms they're meteors. The same exact description is repeated later on. So yes, Eredin is calling down meteors. The Thermosphere, the highest part of the Earths...
  3. Calc The Witcher - Fritjof summons a storm

    Fritjof, a vaedermakar (druid who can control the weather), summons a huge storm to the horizon. Before the storm... Some clouds, but mostly blue skies. Afterwards? Storms cover the sky to the horizon. Including, may I add, from up on a mountain. For reference, that last one is up on Hail...
  4. Calc The Witcher - Caranthir freezes the ocean

    Caranthir casts a spell that freezes over a portion of the sea. To stop it, Caranthir must be defeated and his staff destroyed. The sorceresses manage to stop it's spread. So let's begin with the thickness of the ice sheet. Ciri is 5 foot 9 inches tall (or 1.7526m) at the age of 16 (which would...