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Game Ranked Better Call Saul Mafia Game Thread [Game End - Serial Killer Victory]

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I‘m the one who‘s been crying for hours here.
Flower for your own health please, leave it there, step away, go do something fun. You're just going to spiral down further like this which isn't going to be good for you. Go get some choccy milk, watch your favourite show, none of this is worth the emotional labour you're putting into it right now.


Even if it's not, it doesn't give you the right to flame everyone that doesn't consider you cleared because of something you claim you've never lied about

If you're not breaking one rule you're breaking another and making the game completely insufferable

If you don't want to admit that you can get in the bin too

You were just made a moderator of this section and you're enabling completely unhinged and completely toxic play

Chairman Nibel

Breath of the Wild
V.I.P. Member
I quit playing. Why should I play games which are unwinnable for me because people attack me personally?
You weren't lynched so far. You caused this situation with your reaction. There probably are people here who decided to policy lynch you.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I just can‘t stop crying. I was outside for a bit and watched funny videos, but the pain just isn’t going away. I‘m glad I‘m home alone and nobody has to see my face right now. It was such a personal attack that I was reminded of High School and it opened up some very old wounds again.


You're lashing out at me for no reason. I'm aware of the rules, and I'm aware that this isn't the time or place to labour them. I'm not enabling Flower, this isn't the time for me to pile on and condemn her actions when she's clearly in emotional distress.


Like I said, the best thing you can do. for yourself, is close this site off and do something more fun.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
You weren't lynched so far. You caused this situation with your reaction. There probably are people here who decided to policy lynch you.
And that‘s the issue, Nibel. When it becomes personal and stops being in the spirit of the game, that‘s when it starts hurting.


That is fair, but this isn't a pile on.

There were about 4 wagons with traction today.


Srsly fuck you all.
I thought you promised to calm down until after the game? Guess I can’t trust anything you say anymore. Just like you said you were going to bed only to pop in thread an hour later. Lies, lies, lies. How can anyone trust or believe anything that comes out of your mouth?
Anyway, next day is gonna be 8vs4vs1 because there‘s gonna be at least 2 Town deaths tonight with them getting the reward which is likely an extra kill. Maybe even 3 if the other Indie shoots Town, too. So Town basically lost majority.
That’s what you keep saying.
Anyway, he still doesn’t answer why scum would jail me. That’s what I thought.
Probably because you’re scum with Ratchet
Well, if she is lying, which she proven to do multiple times this game then we lynch her.

And if she is using her truthtell, which is against the rules in this game, then we lynch her because that’s cheating and I lost faith in the game and the host for allowing this.
And Psychic basically has proven this point. She‘s just making excuses now why she thinks I‘m scum when she has evidence that my action and yours are legit because she doesn’t want to be seen as a thrower (which she is tho).
Looks performative to me. Did you and Ratchet come up with this in scumchat?
If you are really telling the truth, then why can’t you play a game properly without cheating?
But well, the only lesson I take away from this is to become more bitter and spiteful, so good job on that. I‘m actually so hurt I‘m fucking crying.

How can people be such assholes to a person they know is taking things to heart.
I’ve seen you use AtE to win a game before.
Your tears don’t work on me.
Like I said, if this game brings you to tears, maybe you should stop playing it, you obviously can’t handle it without crying and people are really tired of playing with a crybaby.
Lol poor Ratchet

But you won’t be logging off because you never do. See you in an hour or two.
I hope you’re done crying too
@Polar Bear @The Orca you‘re fucking useless as players.
@Psychic you‘re a liability who should be policied every game again.
Nu uh
And you know me well enough to know I wasn’t lying. You wanted to hurt me where it hurts the most. Nothing of this was within the spirit of the game. It was all personal. Have fun being assholes.
If this is going to make you become a better player than bring me the ladle.
I feel like this too.
Are you truthful? You seem to lie alot.
At this point, no one cares anymore.
Truth tells are banned.

The fact you weren't punished means it weren't telling the truth this time or the host is ignoring his own rules.

Either way stop thinking you're above being accused. Nobody is.
Now I hang when I was innocent as usual.

Can‘t stop my tears anymore. Hope you all lose horribly.
Nobody cares
Psychic, fuck off.
No. As long as you continue to post, so will I.
It‘s not a fucking truth tell. It‘s established meta. Oh my fucking god.
Do you not see the problem with this? Oh well.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Don‘t get me wrong, I‘ve been spited for years. It was just never this apparent with people even admitting to it and willingly throwing just to off somebody they are even able to win with. This is disgusting and disgraceful behaviour.

Chairman Nibel

Breath of the Wild
V.I.P. Member
Don‘t get me wrong, I‘ve been spited for years. It was just never this apparent with people even admitting to it and willingly throwing just to off somebody they are even able to win with. This is disgusting and disgraceful behaviour.
Are you hammered? If no, vote Luka.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I don‘t want to hear any excuses for this. It was pure spite. Game integrity is basically fucked now, too.
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