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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
"Hurr durr Mayuri's Bankai gets broken all the time so Uryu breaking it means nothing."
"Uryu couldn't even blitz Mayuri blah blah blah."

Even when I agree that Uryu loses more often than not, largely because SBK is the perfect Bankai to have to wall the arrow and slow it down/weaken it so Byakuya can avoid it, people exagerate how easy it's gonna be.

Uryu is losing but by no means is Byakuya doing it easily and Uryu winning is not impossible, just unlikely.

I see they just started to not give any characters anything if it basically doesn't fit into their new world view at this point...

When you have people reasonably argue that the mainline heroes of Worm can defeat the Bolo, no one goes into apocalyptic seizures about it.
When it's a SERVANT against a lone Bolo...

Man, it never doesn't get funny when it comes to cases like these, especially when a lone Bolo isn't all that strong even in it's own lore and it's basically numbers that make it terrifying(Which is not unlike Halo where the real issue with the Covenant was the sheer NUMBERS and their ability to casually glass a Planet to nothing due to those numbers).

I forgot to bring this up because I didn't really care about the thread but...

Round 1: All Zanpakuto releases are restricted.

Round 2: Byakuya can now release Shikai, but his Bankai release is still restricted.

Aizen is unable to use Kyoka Suigetsu in any round lol.


Pretty much.

There are things like Zephyro destroying an entire galaxy within an Amber Era, Xipe wearing the universe as her cloth or Ena creating universal order.

Heck Hooh became one with the Imaginary Tree aka the universe itself and his presumed Arbitrator Emanator from the Equilibrium Missions rewrites the laws of the universe while shouting to you in honestly nonsensical gibberish.

Most of those feats and then some I linked on NF.

Yes totally didn't just create an account because I saw somebody else being knowledgeable about Star Rail.

Vespa Crabro

Stellaron Hunter
V.I.P. Member
Nihility in specific erodes away everything which is why you start losing your memories and sense of self the closer you are to Ix

Aha blew up a planet and half the Astral Express for funsies with a "funny prank" bomb
and Qlipoth can rip out and destroy concepts with his hammer but he's too busy building his space minecraft wall

you literally have to restore harmony's power by doing a whole ass sidequest chain to undo Acheron's slash and the Family had to do massive damage control to get people to keep dreaming


V.I.P. Member
Hey we got a new member. Welcome to the site

Does anyone here actually find it helluva awfully strange and bizarre how Kami Tenchi always gets brought up in these kinds of threads, but not Lord of Nightmares from Slayers for some reason?

Before you say "Fiction stomps" remember, overpowered characters are more of a recent trend. Most characters who can contend with Xeno Goku were created far after 2000

Everyone bloodlusted and at max power, who wins?

The amount of cringe on so many levels upon levels from reading this part of the OP alone just gave my brain terminal cancer at Stage III to IV.


V.I.P. Member

Ay, welcome aboard. And glad to have more people interested in HSR lore because I'm skillgated out of any content that might be in the endgame modes

Thoughts on this one folks?

Honestly? It depends on how far you think Medaka Box's hax can get through those ridiculous Wings or not.

Ay, welcome aboard. And glad to have more people interested in HSR lore because I'm skillgated out of any content that might be in the endgame modes

mainly because it means I don't have to keep reading through Mihoyo's info dumps

I thought that Fate had some bullshit ways to do their lore by primarily keeping most of it untranslated and in interviews but the fact that Mihoyo basically makes their convoluted, their translations aren't the best and they are primarily info dumps may take the cake instead.
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