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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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New member

One more time with that completely baseless claim and I will just get rid of you. If this is the only reason you signed up, turn the fuck around and go away, save me the trouble.
DM me if you want and I can prove the claim isn't baseless nor fake. I'll leave it alone here if thats what you want

Nep Nep

Forbidden Boi Kunt
DM me if you want and I can prove the claim isn't baseless nor fake. I'll leave it alone here if thats what you want

Yes that's what I've been telling you.
You'd need more than pics for a claim like that you know? It's super easy to go in PS or Gimp and make whatever you want.


Man of Atom
Getting away from bullshit



Man, fuck Contessa (not literally). Plot Device taken to the biggest wank levels possible. She's worse that "prep time" Batman.
Contessa can't do anything to Wonder of U or Tooru.

Invincible projection running around MHA killing stuff.


Man of Atom
Yeah the Contessa wank used to be a lot more rampant before people started actually using their brains

>Classic AM, Archie Sonic, and the Spectre

Boy what the fuck


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Yeah the Contessa wank used to be a lot more rampant before people started actually using their brains

>Classic AM, Archie Sonic, and the Spectre

Boy what the fuck
Bro, Supreme Strange is the first round.

They don't even make it past the first round


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
the thing that shoots down yhwach seeing infinite futures is simply not seeing the fucking arrow coming

hashbrowns making it “look like a dream” wouldn’t matter because if he truly sees “infinite” futures, then he’d just see another one with the arrow but one atom out of place or some shit


The Supreme King
People still think that Kratos fought the GODS, not the weak GOW versions.
people scale gow dudes to the myth for no apparent reason
like no other verse gets this treatment not marvel,saint seiya,fate/series or any other interpretation of mythology
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