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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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That rare moment when people actually remember the exploits of the Power Rangers... Because their opponent is Fate.

It's why I didn't even talk about that thread because yes, the Power Ranger Villains should win because Power Rangers is actually busted unlike MHA, Demon Slayer and Overlord to the point you don't need to downplay Shirou to show he has no chance...

The issue is that this is Spacebattles where they will do it anyway when there's no reason to just for ego and spite.
What little I remember of the power rangers is like a fever dream

Power Rangers are basically FTL and Planetary as a baseline even in the TV Show, the Boom! Comics goes much, MUCH further but to basically keep it in mind:

  • The Rangers have fought MoTW that tend to go FTL speeds(If not certain Rangers moving that fast) that are subservient to the actual villains of that season
  • There are PLENTY of points in the later seasons where Rangers are capable of fighting against the grown Monsters or even toss them around(The easiest example is when the Red Ranger in Dino Thunder stops a huge monster from stepping on him and throwing him off like it was Bayonetta or DMC)
  • One of the strongest monsters, Dark Specter, is capable of throwing Asteroids so hard, they can destroy Earth and took TWO Planet Destroying Missiles to kill and even then killed the person who did that before he died. Dark Specter, despite how he came off at first, is technically no different than how Lord Zedd and the stronger villains are seen.

Basically Power Rangers is nonsense and is actually a series you can put Fate against unironically... the issue is that SB likes to downplay both series but then "suddenly" pull this shit and act like Fate being anything like that is just laughable meanwhile it's suddenly alright to take PR seriously when they have downplayed it in the past.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
I don't think SB downplays Power Rangers tbf

they genuinely don't seem to know that it's actually pretty strong

To just touch on this statement, this was done before Tite Kubo even had a grasp on where the Menos Grande ultimately stand at and how the Heiarchy of the Soul Society stands as a whole.
It's pretty clear Menos are meant to be HUGE in the past which is why Ichigo only wound one and it retreated but otherwise is treated like fodder elsewise unless they come in huge numbers. So I have no idea why people are using that unironically to prove that Bleach has no "hard powercreep" when it does.

Paths actually give him enough firepower to defeat Artoria, since they are basically six immortal beasts who can throw around mountain-level power and regenerate from atomization.

Mountain Destroying isn't even enough to hurt her but I forgot, people want to suddenly pretend that Artoria somehow doesn't scale to Continental Caladbolg or any of that other shit... and did they forget she has Avalon with her?!

In terms of defense, Obito has Kamui which lets him teleport his body to another dimension as defense and chakra absorption which absorbs energy using the Rinnegan. He's also fast and durable enough to hang with KCM 2 Naruto.

1. Kamui ain't doing shit when we already know strong enough Magical Energy and Noble Phantasms can breach Space... all Kamui does is basically teleport parts of Obito's body to the dimension but still keeps that part connected between the realms(Or he would lose that body part even doing that trick) meaning Artoria would still be able to hurt him there.
2. His speed doesn't mean shit as she can keep up with him full blast.

I see him eventually taking both rounds since Artoria cannot deal with the Edo-Tailed Beasts and they're gonna wear her down eventually with their nukes since Edo Tensei gives them infinite power reserves to draw from.

Servants. Can. Attack. SOULS! Those Edo Beasts ain't gonna regenerate from an Excalibur or anything else due to that, I have no idea why they love pretending Servants can't attack souls until "a condition is met" when that was never stated in the show.
Also, The Jinchikurri have no limits, the Bijuu explicitly DO and they aren't dead so I have no idea what they fuck they are talking about there.

The issue at the car of this is that they are not wrong but they also SERIOUSLY ignore the whole ass point of what Nasu stated and how the hierarchy of Servants are...
Like at it's core, Nasu isn't actually lying about where Servants stand in regards to DAA even after Tsukihime Remake... the problem is, that it's no longer the weakest Servant is a match for a DAA but more of the strongest Non Grand Servants can match them.

They act like Servants can't defeat Divine Spirits when Brynhildr got destroyed by a 2nd Ascension Sigurd who barely had a grasp on his abilities and there are plenty of Servants at his level or beyond that. This also gets murky when it comes to characters like Quetzalcoatl and the like and the DAA's themselves(ESPECIALLY putting Vlov in that category or overhyping the shit out of the Dead Apostle Ranks themselves)

At this point, they are looking for any reason to perma-ban you now and they aren't even being shy about it...

The fact that they are utterly showing they have no idea how the Absence of Evidence Fallacy and then pretty much pull shit out of their ass to justify their shit(Again, what DOES it matter what stance Cu does when the whole argument is that Cu Alter can regen his arm through his runes while he throws his Spear in that form)



Starsight saying Bitch is not banned, but me showing evidence of absence is banned. Btw this is not the one with runes, but the Gae Bolg Argument in Yuta vs Archer.

Starsight claim Gae Bolg need Stance. I show evidence of Absence that Gae Bolg don't need stance.


I know, and I already say I don't mind. I am still fighting for it. If they ban me okay, I still gonna call them out before they do.

Btw this is not the one with runes, but the Gae Bolg Argument in Yuta vs Archer.

Starsight claim Gae Bolg need Stance. I show evidence of Absence that Gae Bolg don't need stance. The Material only state "thrust" and the result is determined.

And you don't need a stance at all, this is the same shit they always do every single time. This is like saying using Caladbolg requires a stance, Excalibur to require a stance(Despite we see Salter in the HF VN use Excalibur Morgan in the Horizontal fashion and Artoria use Excalibur against Gilgamesh literally rushing at him and cutting him through).
It's just the same shit.



Yea I told Starsight and the mod should seen that the stance is just a habit but not needed. Read what is being said in the warning "Starsight shows evidence that the author state the stance is used" Completely missing the point. Apparently that is evidence for the author for the claim that the stance is needed.

When the material never say it's needed.

I already said it before, they are looking for any reason to ban you, the reason doesn't need to make sense and that's the point.
It takes no more than actually bothering to do this thing called research to point out they are wrong but they love using shit like consistency and other goalpost moving stuff otherwise to claim what they want.
Cu needs a stance for his NPs? Except he doesn't because Cu Alter proves that very thing wrong(As he has the Thrown Gae Bolg NP himself), it's just a habit for Cu.
Balmung can be fired any which way as there is no stance or no charge time but they explicitly act like it does and it takes light years. They completely and utterly refuse to understand even basic concepts of physics and otherwise to basically wank whatever they want and downplay whatever they want(If you can't understand something as simple as Melting Point, Conservation of Mass and Energy, Velocity, simple ass physics? You shouldn't be in this hobby at all).

SB has always just been basically the worst of Reddit VS. debating and the worst of VSB, it's just not going to the insane degrees VSB does in it's wank but it's very much people in backpockets basically throwing their weight around and getting others out for their own amusement.
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