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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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He is saying Svin quite explicitly reacting to lightning magecraft is "Overhyped" too.

I don't understand how it's overhyped by any means considering the narration of what Svin did and what the Manga shows us unless he wants to pretend ONLY Svin can dodge Lightning which is wrong in it's face as we got the Melty Blood Manga of Shiki Tohno doing the same thing and Gray dodging Lightning twice.

At some point people probably going to use Rin beating Medea with her punches as a prove that Servants are physically weak. Actually some people already does I think.

Yeah they do, why you think they believe Mahoraga can destroy Berserker in physical combat or most street tier characters can bypass God Hand with a punch because they ONLY believe what the text tells them exactly with not even trying to actually think and use their brains and scale that shit further.
They fully believe if you sneeze on a Servant, they die and they are pissed off that recent Fate Media shits on that idea which is why they constantly stick with Fate/Stay Night or Fate/Zero now.


V.I.P. Member

She's town level at best from the giant rock she blew apart in the time travel arc. Her preferred magic kind of ignoring physical and magical resistance to an extent might help.....if there weren't weapons that could do that in ER, which there are. It also can be blocked by sufficiently dense/strong magic shields or armor.

She could probably make for a decently powerful mage among the "normal" enemies of the setting but she'd get ragdolled by any of the Demigods.



Someone in that thread said she can just blast the ER from miles away.

No idea if its true or not, but theres a lot of argument for Frieren's side. Although why the fuck do people say AoW is magic when Magic is categorized different in ER.


They keep mentioning that the Spiral Mountain is also created from the stars in the sky like in the novel. I remember that you mentioned this before. Were you talking about this scene?

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
They keep mentioning that the Spiral Mountain is also created from the stars in the sky like in the novel. I remember that you mentioned this before. Were you talking about this scene?
Yeah, this is before they even get to Spiral Mountain so the anime version of the mountain blatantly doesn't include ANYTHING beyond the planet.

The issue is these people want the novel to override the anime version but that's not how that shit works. You can't apply shit like this to a version where these things blatantly did not happen. But of course then the argument becomes how the novel was supposed to expand on shit they couldn't do in the anime and how it should apply to the anime as well.

The problem with that being the novel having blatant differences in the story compared to the anime version so that doesn't really work. Lore wise sure, but otherwise they should be taken as two different continuities, just like with the PSP game.


V.I.P. Member

The first time we actually see someone practicing with magic we learn that even SoulTrack (her preferred magic that pierces defenses) has a tendency to disperse over distance. I think she might be able to score a hit from a mile or two away, but that's about it


SoulOfCinder posted this:
Kakudou mentions 4 children. We know thanks to Tri that the original Digidestined were 5. Also, in the novels, the kids fight against a Cyclomon who works for Etemon after Skull Greymon appeared. This doesn't happen in the anime.

I guess this makes the novel an alternate continuity like the PSP game.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Also while they don't physically appear in the anime, their silhouettes do when Gennai is explaining it to the kids and there were clearly five of them not four, which is in line with Tri's portrayal of them.

The anime and novel definitely two separate continuities.


Martyrs are the first to Die
V.I.P. Member
She has no resistance to timestop (that I am aware of) and is at best around supersonic, and technically speaking is a glass cannon

so... kinda yes

EDIT: wait they banned that, so it's actually closer, but if frieren is only town level like someone said a page ago then she'd still lose in firepower
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