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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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It's absolutely insane, isn't it? Even trying to read the man's posts, I have no idea what he's even going on about and there's the fact that any points he does make is instantly diluted due to his comparisons having no basis in the manga, let alone outside of it.

His entire point that everyone is arguing against is the fact that if we go by the blurb the series states about Black Flash that is said only once and never shown in earnest cannot work against Gojo, then Enuma Elish shouldn't. There are so many problems with that theory(The least of which is that it must mean that all hax must be on the same level which is bullshit), it completely falls apart because Black Flash was never used on Gojo's Limitless, not once.

Meaning the comparison itself has no basis at all and Sully refuses to understand that and Nidhogg's attempts to back him up come off as just as insane as Nathan's points.


I think he got the problem that most "internet warrior" do...They don't read. Like the one you yourself quote, Doremilia ask directly mentioning any form of space warping, not just cutting, anything and everything, and the guy call it "vague".

He just don't read

I don't even think he read his own argument. At one point he was asked if heat death of universe will fail to kill Gojo, and he argues that heat death of universe isn't on JJK. Does that means he argues it will not kill Gojo? His comment seems to imply it will kill Gojo, and he call it bad argument because heat death doesn;t exist in JJK, but Black Flash does...Ironically, Excalibur doesn't exist in JJK either...

For example:

First last I checked Lion King is leagues above Saber to the point Saber is fodder to her so you can't scale anything she does to Saber.

Completely misses the fucking point.
Let's actually go and look at the point the user Deathdog stated:

Nothing about that at all states that Saber Alter > Goddess Rhongomyniad or that they are in the same league, hell, he even states that they aren't in the same league. The entire point is if Goddess Rhongomyniad's insane magical energy output can affect shit in CHALDEAS, a place OUTSIDE OF SPACE AND TIME with the only connection being Mash and Ritsuka, then that means that even something like Salter's Excalibur(or a Mana Burst) can absolutely tear through Limitless if we are going with the logic that somehow, she nor Gil cannot get through it because "they haven't shown the feats for it"

Second IIRC Lion King is a version of Artoria that used Rhongomyniad not excalibur after Camelot for so long she eventually became a divine spirit and rhongomyniad gave her a bunch of abilities her Saber version just doesn't have.

That doesn't matter when at the end of the day, Rhongomyniad is explicitly WEAKER than Excalibur...
Lancer Artoria in any of her forms is unironically WEAKER than her Saber counterpart, it just doesn't seem that way as Rhongomyniad gives her shit the Saber version doesn't but Rhongomyniad is not stronger than Excalibur. Goddess Rhongomyniad is only stronger because she's a full fledged Divine Spirit in an undying body with a Dragon Core made from Albion's remains.

Your link doesn't show Space being distorted, just that the magical energy reached Chaldea "somehow"
Completely ignore that Chaldea is literally outside of Time and Space due to it's safety measures

My man really is just that stupid isn't he?

It's not even just that, it's a genuine lack of reading comprehension in it's many forms(It's insane to see dudes legit have issues with simple sentence structure in SB these days) as well as being malicious when it comes to wanting something to win at any cost(which is sadly becoming a general thing when it comes to VS. debates. Everyone wants their "new favorite series" to be a threat to shit like DBS when it has no right even being there... just look at the shit with Frieren, it can't be just enough that it's a good series, they gotta be strong enough to stomp Servants too, just like with JJK).

It's all of that combined that you get the current state of Spacebattles, a place that is the worst parts of VSB, Reddit, Quora all mixed into a bowl of clay and instead of wanking shit, it's just downplay to the max.

Yeah no just because Lion King could do something does not mean Saber can do the same but downsized.

How many times does this need to be said before the dumbass understand what others are saying? Again, this is the site where they love believing that their shit is the best and there's no one else and yet, you blatantly have a dude that cannot understand what is told to him pointblank.

Lion King is not only stronger than Saber but has abilities she doesn't and uses a completely different weapon.

1. Way to miss the fucking point.
2. Said weapon is literally weaker than Excalibur:

There was no way it could. The manifestation in my hands was a Noble Phantasm exceeded only by Excalibur( The Sword of Promised Victory) itself. The divine spear wielded by King Arthur against his mortal enemy, Mordred.
So again, that comparison doesn't work.

Also like I said before no where is it stated that linked she reached chaldea because she distorted space she just did.

Literally refuses to understand pointblank why Goddess Rhongomyniad's magical energy being able to literally tear apart pieces of SHEBA to the point they are able to affect the insides of Chaldea itself:

Which Chaldea is literally outside of the realms of time and space due to it's defenses is somehow, someway cannot be compared to how they could be able to affect Gojo's Limitless? My guy, my dude, are you just that mentally inept? As I stated before, Nathan may be a genuine idiot but Niddhog is not much better here at all.


You know what, fuck it, I'll create the thread on Reddit r/whowouldwin and see if people gonna talk about it when I post that guy's argument.

That sully guy is asinine here.
From what I read in that tank's respect thread, Vlad is going to kick his ass

Actually, unless Vlad is in his home country, a fuckton of his feats are near pointless as he's only that strong due to his homefield advantage and his skill which further boost his homefield advantage to absurd levels.

I think he would lose to the Bolo more often than not unless we give him that.


In principle, as long as he does not use the Legend of Dracula, everything is correct.

Rather, the typical manner of SB “He received damage while catching a supersonic spear, which means he is weak” is annoying.
In principle, as long as he does not use the Legend of Dracula, everything is correct.

Rather, the typical manner of SB “He received damage while catching a supersonic spear, which means he is weak” is annoying.

I mean, him using Legend of Dracula would make up for the fact he's not on Trifas and I don't think Bolo has anything to kill Vampires on it right?
It's just that he will never use that NP if he can help it, even if he's gonna die.

The latter part is what they do with practically every series they want to lose. "Naruto and Co. have Sound Jutsu meaning they are all slower than Sound to make sense", "Jedi can't be superhuman or else the Clones would have to be superhuman and that's silly!(Ignore that's what the Clones are)", "The Elder Scrolls have beings that can be cut by swords and shot by arrows(forget what the swords are made of and same with the arrows), there's no way they can be truly godlike(ignore the shows where characters are hurt, injured or killed by swords and bows too)" and so on and so forth.

At this point, if they really are going to pretend that Supersonic is somehow base Mach 1 despite the fact those terms are units of measurement at the end of the day(Or somehow believe Melusine is just Mach 2 because the Nemo Marine said so despite being Mach 2 would mean it would take her DAYS to go across Fairy Britain rather than the MINUTES the story all but states it takes her(Or are we pretending her Albion Form is SLOWER than her normal Fairy form?), then it's funnier to just mock them at the end of the day.

I'm not sure why people are bothering with the 'can Excaliblast brute force through Infinity' thing

Because if people let that go, you start getting insanely stupid arguments that characters that rightfully can blow through Infinity suddenly cannot because "If Black Flash couldn't(Which was never demonstrated), why should Excalibur?" type shit.

Again, none of that is necessary because having simply a high level of Magical Energy is enough to distort space... something like a Mana Burst would kill Gojo regardless. Hell, I'm overplaying Limitless because again, Gege has outright written how Limitless works and how you can bypass it without any of that which means any Servant attack would kill him due to being too fast for him or Limitless to computer and too strong for them to calculate.

Again, I will give kudos to this and it's ridiculous that it's even being argued. Even if we do give Black Flash that, considering we are told precisely how it works, only Itadori could potentially Black Flash on command against Gojo's Infinity and we have never seen it happen because Gojo is dead already. Not to mention just because the characters don't say "Well, Black Flash can get through Infinity" doesn't mean it cannot. All it means is that it's a question mark if it can or not because no one was ever able to try.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member

losing my mind that VSB had a well written, easy to understand, extremely comprehensive breakdown of DC Comics cosmology and how the scaling works, explaining all the esoteric abstract stuff and how the dimensions=/=real dimensions

and then instead of continuing to use this, they decided to treat those as real dimensions anyways and downgrade every top tier in DC to below characters like Sonic the Hedgehog
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