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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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King of 🌽

dimension wank
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Okay, that's not right at all when it comes to Aeons or Emanators, did this dude come from VSB?

If you go by the base feats of the game, Aeons would be Planetary+ at best(Due to The Hunt Aeon being able to destroy Planets by piercing through them) and the only way to take it further is if you try and push it farther and farther due to what Welt stated about Herscherrs potentially not being anyone to an Aeon but that's only his guess as someone who is not native to Star Rail's Universe.

This also ignores that an Aeon's biggest issue is that once they become an Aeon, they also have to adopt a philosophy and they literally become that in every fashion(aka the Aeon of Propogation will lose everything, including base intelligence just to breed) and Nanook will only choose to destroy(Which is why he's ultimately the primary villain the Stellaron Hunters want to deal with).

He does bring up a point about Aha but that's more the fact that Aha from the start is more of a really fucked up as an Aeon(Which is why his organization... is not filled with the best of folks) but other Aeons wouldn't scale to that since only Aha knows that he's not talking to Aklivi in the SU while every other Aeon believes they are interacting with it.

EDIT: Also, what Emanator has affected "whole star systems"? It damn sure isn't Blade, is it Acheron? Because it doesn't come off that way to me.

I mean, I can see why Sheldon would use that because it's Spacebattles-land and anything goes there. Shirou in the anime isn't shown to be fast on his feet and every human comes off slow in the anime due to that... the VN though?

Here, the Shadow's attack lances out 10s of meters to Rin, Shirou is able to push her out of the way before it lands and gets hit himself.
Here, EMIYA is on a rooftop 100s of meters away readying Caladbolg II for attack. Here, Shirou rushes out of cover, he's fast enough to finish this that Artoria hasn't completed her charge at Herakles.
Here, Medusa emits some kind of red wave of magical energy spear (apparently, this is one of Sakura's unconscious magical attacks), its aimed and fired at Rin. Here, Shirou saves Rin from the attack, he's impaled by it instead of her.

And this isn't counting that Shirou has his bullshit mimicry that makes it for every time he projects a weapon, he gains the stats of the person who wielded the weapon... meaning that Shirou was explicitly as strong as a Servant fighting Gilgamesh there, not an "ordinary teenager" like SB LOVES putting Nasuverse Humans at(Despite that not only not being effectively true, it just comes off retarded when Shirou can get nearly blown to pieces in each route and literally survives because he's actually just that durable otherwise)

This is bad form, try not to approach threads like this. Let people debate even if you think it is silly, especially when things are nice and courteous. Threads ends when they kind of peter out and people move on to other things. Just some advice.

Exactly. They're not about winning, they're about the debate, and you shouldn't go into one with "this side must win" mindset (mistake there.)

You gotta be fucking kidding me... THIS 10 Page filled with absolute shitwater takes(like believing the Bolo has "consistent feats" but then having dudes unironically bring in 2 quotes which contradict that or you should be allowed to bring in anti-feats in an "featuring all feats thread" because that's what the thread should be about) is meant to be a "debate"?

...I'm not sure how anyone can read that and think it was meant to be a "debate", I have seen better and more genuine debates in VSB for fuck's sake. This shit is no different than fucking Reddit:
Just a bunch of babies that refused to understand their Bolo ain't shit and decided to go all in otherwise to pretend it was by any means necessary.


V.I.P. Member

No, Aeons are bare minimum multi-galaxy level. It's just all buried in side quests and Simulated Universe lore you only get because you stepped sideways twice on a Sunday while wearing a yellow hat

That and the series does an incredibly ass-backwards job of explaining its own cosmology. The worlds the Express visits aren't just separated by physical space, a lot of them exist in different realities. The series will just interchangeably refer to these realities as worlds, galaxies, and universes fucking willy nilly with no consistency though.

Anyway, the actual fight between the Aeons that kill Tazzyronth destroyed more than one of these realities in the final clash alone iirc, and we know each of these realities can hold multiple star systems because in a not!Oppenheimer quest the IPC blew up twenty-seven star systems in a single activation of a super weapon. Which they mention as "approaching" the power of an Emanator.

Actually iirc Nanook and Nous also figure it out. It's more open to interpretation considering Nanook just instantly kills you anyway, but you also just can't interact with any of the Aeons in the SU without them starting to affect reality.

EDIT: Also, what Emanator has affected "whole star systems"? It damn sure isn't Blade, is it Acheron? Because it doesn't come off that way to me.

More lore stuff. One of the Lore Ravagers wiped out a galaxy at one point. They don't go into detail so he could have done it world by world though

Okay, that explains alot of it then because they do not tell you most of that shit outright lol, especially when it comes to how The Astral Express visits the places it does.
Tldr Honkai Star Rail has a lot of very impressive feats that all happen off-screen and are conveyed to you via a really shitty visual novel format
I guess that makes sense because otherwise, Acheron's demonstration of her power as well as Aventurine's isn't really showing it off real well... and yes, I know Aventurine was basically not remotely close to full power but still.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member


V.I.P. Member
I guess that makes sense because otherwise, Acheron's demonstration of her power as well as Aventurine's isn't really showing it off real well... and yes, I know Aventurine was basically not remotely close to full power but still.

Aventurine isn't actually an Emanator. He was borrowing one tenth of the power a Preservation Emanator lent to the IPC (that's what the cornerstones are)

And Acheron's two acts as an Emanator were more impressive than they might initially appear because the Dreamscapes are supposed to be able to prevent any kind of real damage or danger from existing (which is why damage from Aventurines GoB knockoff disappeared immediately) and she fucking tore a permanent hole through it.


V.I.P. Member
. . @CrossTheHorizon @Xhominid The Apex Hai bạn nghĩ sao về điều này?

I don't know what you asked, but ORT gets the Tazzyronth treatment. As in Qlipoth (giant orange hammer dude) pops into existence, goes "hell naw we ain't doin another bug war" and then smashes his hammer into ORT so hard reality collapses.

ORT kills and eats anything besides the Aeons themselves, though


Cosmically Evolved Entity

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
How far would he get if supernova and knights of the round scaling is restricted?
There's no such thing as "Supernova scaling", it's his canonical limit break and always has been.
This is Sephiroth with only showings from OG FF7 and Crisis Core.
He still soloes by virtue of massive speed advantage and holding back HOLY and the Lifestream.
Infinite Tsukuyoki puts this femboy to sleep.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Sort of. Most of the abilities comes from being able to hack other cyborgs (driving someone insane, mind-control, hacking skills, electrocution & more) so if the opponent isn't a cyborg/robot most of it wouldn't work. Non-cyborg powers include gravity manipulation (used by David and maybe aboard certain Arasaka space stations) and invisibility via optical camoflague (used by flying cars by a shadowy organization).


Allright then it sounds like this is probably as dumb as I thought it was going off my limited understanding of cyberpunk 2077 (Played the game on launch....Was a....Experience, should really give it another chance soon), if their more powerful abilities/powers are that context specific.

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