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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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I mean, I can see why Sheldon would use that because it's Spacebattles-land and anything goes there. Shirou in the anime isn't shown to be fast on his feet and every human comes off slow in the anime due to that... the VN though?
I don't see why would anyone who knows the context and follow the story would think Gil is slow because of it.

That's like saying Saitama is slow because most people can still hit him.

Like I get your point is that Shirou is actually fast, so Gil have to be fast as well but it doesn't matter since the point is that Gil explicitly hold back, so even if Shirou is slow as snail it just means Gil hold back a loooot. Sheldon's argument is in no way logical and canonical.

Which is weird considering I don't remember Sheldon being one of those who argue like this. I'd consider this more of Nursery Rhyme and R S...Especially Nursery Rhyme
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I don't see why would anyone who knows the context and follow the story would think Gil is slow because of it.

That's like saying Saitama is slow because most people can still hit him.

Exactly... but that's PRECISELY what they use because they don't want people actually HAVING context for what they say, that's why they say things like that or "Servants can't destroy Planets" nonsense that is debunked later on in that same arc.

That's why they will ignore all of the times Saitama isn't FTL for the sake of the scene/meme/joke so he can appear at the last second and save everyone's asses because they suddenly realize that's meant to be the case... but they'll suddenly turn Super Doopey Eye 3 when it comes to remembering that Shirou and EMIYA can copy stats of the person when they project weapons.

Uh yeah? Gilgamesh would have to be fast regardless to be able to face off against Enkidu and not... die? I know some asshat is gonna look here and be like "Enkidu wasn't even invented in Fate yet! Why should he matter?" and the answer is "Enkidu is irrevocably tied to his legend dumbass! Enkidu not being invented matters as little as Mordred's original appearance does!" the character was going to be introduced regardless because they figure heavily in the person's background to not be around in some form.

Which is weird considering I don't remember Sheldon being one of those who argue like this. I'd consider this more of Nursery Rhyme and R S...Especially Nursery Rhyme

Again, everyone is SB is like Sheldon.... EVERYONE. You will have people who will instantly drop flag if it's one of their "special series" even if it seemingly makes no sense or willing to become a complete idiot for it.
You look at NR or R S as basically the gold standard but no, this genuinely applies to everyone once you actually see it.

What's even dumber is the fashion of how they are contriving that idea that Sue would have issues against Sorcerors because:

Sorcerers bodies are like a domain. It's not possible to create something in their bodies like that. Just like how Gojo can't manifest blue inside skulls or Hanami creating woods inaide lungs.

Yeah... because of how that works in the grand case of the hilariously unstable Cursed Energy, Techniques and Domains, something that works completely outside of that... would have the same restrictions... somehow.
We never said SB is full of smart people, they just believe that Cursed Techniques can just somehow form in other people's bodies without any energy transferral somehow...

Seriously, Gege handicapped his own series ultra-hard and SB is one of the few VS. sites(outside of Jujutsu Kaisen Reddit) to actually try and make the franchise seem stronger than it is rather than just wank Infinity/Limitless.


Man of Atom

doesnt the cursed energy come from the person using it

why would they be able to just spontaneously manifest it in somebody else, that's stupid
Even then, their domains would need to be stronger than Sues bubbles. And that shit just aint realistic
I think the domain/body thing is true, but not only would it not matter to Susan's powers, it can be overcome through sheer force.

And it's Susan fucking Richards

Even if that's the case, it's only true because Cursed Energy itself is unstable as is Techniques or Domains as a whole. It's nothing like say Resistance in the Nasuverse where enough Magical Energy in someone's body can stop spells or other influences from working as long as you stop it before it fully works.

Gege handicapped his own series so regardless, we just go back to Susan basically killing any person there with ease.
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