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Death Battle Discussion


Bardock vs Omniman still could happen, Omniman vs Bardock won't be a simple one-shot stomp as Bardock would have to spend the whole battle you know, actually successfully hitting Omniman


Next season will have an anime protagonist with a very distinct voice that’s super hard to mimic so they cast someone who does impressions on TikTok


Yeah this definitely was a spiritual successor to Deadpool vs. Mask an episode that was self-aware of how much of a stomp it is.


I used to root for Michael even if I knew Jason stomps but frankly Ft13 >>>> HW as a series and Jason is a way funner character with more personality and at least the movies weren't so boring and depressing. Slasher movies rarely are truly terrifying and Halloween only occasionally reaches the terror threshold, at least Ft13 knows it's place and just tried to be goofy shlock. Rooting for Vorheese