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In terms of long lasting units supports would be better to get than dps 5*s so shenhe might end up becoming more valuable based on how she functions on release, so I suggest you keep your eyes peeled for that.

I can name two characters that's the case for, Shogan and Kazuha

Nep Nep

Forbidden Boi Kunt

I saw her kit though, it really does seem very focused on buffing others, her base stats will tell the rest of the tale I suppose. Newer chara are so fine tuned though.

Plus Ganyu should be a more than safe bet, nvm I require two parties and Ganyu will serve finely as my second main dos.
No worries you have plenty of time, Shenhe does come out first so you'll have a lot of time to make a decision based on the final results and where she places in the so called "meta".

I know I'm gonna be running shenhe with my already strong ganyu to do even more insane dmg.

Nep Nep

Forbidden Boi Kunt

I have nothing ready for Ganyu, much like when I got Hu Tao so it's probably going to be at most 300 dollars to get her started. Shenhe, at least for now is being called a support. I want to use the Mona I lucked out on getting, Venti is a personal fave too and I also like Ayaka so I feel like Ganyu is the best investment for now, because I know I want to have the other 5* that go in her best teams.

If Shenhe remains top tier in support or sub-dps, I don't have Cryo dps worthy of her support, and thus I'd be wasting a lot of in game time just waiting for banners when I could be building characters that will lead to my eventual dual Abyss teams.
Ah I see what the problem for you is now. First things first, I'll say this, get whatever character that you feel that you like the most always.

Secondly, when it comes to cryo dps, almost all of them are viable, are they as good as ayaka/ganyu? Probably not. But that's fine, you can beat every content in the game with every unit, so units like kaeya, rosaria and chong while not as good can still do enough, someone like shenhe is just future proofing and can be used in any team, supports are flexible, dps arent.

Generally speaking ganyu's freeze teams consist mostly of 5*s so that's another thing to consider.

One more thing, Ganyu was also seen as a support before her release, and just ended up bonkers but you're right, those times characters weren't as reserved as they are now that's why bennet is the best character in the game and xiangling is broken aoe pyro carry.

Overall I'd say you're justified in going for ganyu, she's a good pick and needs no investment (whale bow) to be good, and if she ever falls behind, so will every other dps, if you're fine with the charge shot playstyle.

Nep Nep

Forbidden Boi Kunt
Charge shot is fine, I got Sara cause I started during the Raiden banner and I played her a lot.

I just gave up on her cause I didn't want Raiden and my only other usable electro is Razor and I simply despise Razor's play style.

Nep Nep

Forbidden Boi Kunt
But Raiden is disgustingly broken lmao Corner stone for every team these days

She just didn't appeal to me. I was brand new at the time too so spending money for a character I have no idea what to do with at the time felt like a bad idea.

She still doesn't appeal to me much, If she ever becomes particularly useful as a pair with another character I do like I'll get her.

But after Ganyu and Zhongli, I want Kazuha/Venti/Ayaka
That's fair enough, I wouldn't whale if I were new either.

Although I'll say this so you're not misinformed. She works with almost every team. She does insane dmg and makes recharging ults like nothing so if she comes back you should reconsider getting her. In terms of overall usefulness Kazuha > Raiden > Zhongli > Venti > Ayaka/Ganyu

Nep Nep

Forbidden Boi Kunt

She's probably due to come back with Yae