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Game Ranked Grand Theft Auto Mafia

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No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I remember I thought Gad was Town cuz I mindmelded with him on Yoho, but he was actually on a team with Yoho and just shaded him and Ratchet correctly called out Gad as scum.


I actually don't know where you're pulling this from. I can't recall any games where he was scum and Ratchet was town
I was gonna ask when he became any level of expert on gad but I didn't care enough to check lol


I wouldn't say I'm a savant at reading Gad. What I use to read him isn't super reliable because there have been times where has has acted or arguing in bad faith as town out of genuine frustration. I don't have any better leads so far though, in that most other slots I can more easily see as town or at least I don't find their posts warrant further contention. The only change I'd make to my earlier reads list is I'd bump Luka and Magic up to "slight town" from "undecided".


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member

Still think you're getting a bit carried away in saying his read is gilded or something. Don't know why you do this with a sample size of one, it doesn't do any favors regardless of Ratchet's alignment
Add Serial Gad in MHA, too.

My main point is his take on Gad shouldn't be ignored.


Is this just due to Achro?
Also, can I have your read on Achro, or if they're just null?
I wouldn't presume to have a read on Achro at this stage, outside of "I've liked the majority of their observations but disagree with some". As for your first question, yes. It makes sense to me that as scum you'd be focused on playing around that, and if you're scum together, I don't think you'd be waving the "he has a god read on me" around as a defence before he has even posted. Q.E.D you make more sense to be town.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
(Personally I suck at reading Gad and just got lucky he was the SK in MHA. He's playing opportunistic af as Town, too, as seen in ToG).


I'm not really sure about Magic at slight town to be honest though. I think he can stay where he was originally, I don't quite jive with him just yet.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
You know what, given my track record with tunnels lately Magic could very well be the Serial Killer lul.
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