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GT Goku vs Uub (Rematch)


V.I.P. Member
Been watching GT on Hulu

this was when Uub was fighting Baby for the first time, he said he was training for his rematch with Goku

so the Goku that fought Super Baby Vegeta 2 for the first time vs the Uub that fought SBV2 (pre-Majuub)

how does this go?

Crimson Dragoon

No real solid evidence, but I think Oob at least surpassed Base Goku at this point

Goku might be pushed to Super Saiyan and wins


V.I.P. Member
No real solid evidence, but I think Oob at least surpassed Base Goku at this point

Goku might be pushed to Super Saiyan and wins
It’s possible

he did call Goku’s power “tremendous” when he felt his ki

then again Baby used a stronger Revenge Death Ball against base Goku, Mr. Buu handled it much better than Uub would have too


Still kind of funny that we got:

GT Super Saiyan 3 Kid Goku being > Kid Buu

Same GT Goku says Rildo is > Buu (realistically we can surmaize based off Goku's experience and first-hand knowledge that he's either referring to a) Majin Buu (Fat form, pre-Good and Bad personalities splitting, b) Super Buu and sensed his power up and more combat oriented body change as Piccolo stated on the lookout when they were training the boys to use the Fusion Dance, or c) basing it off Super Buu after he had absorbed Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks).

I've never bought the argument that Rildo was > Buu (Gohan absorbed).

That said Majin Buu fusing with Uub gave a way better fight against Super Baby 2 Vegeta then GT Super Saiyan 3 Kid Goku did.


V.I.P. Member
Goku implies base Baby Vegeta’s power is amazing but not unprecedented (which means he’s encountered power like his before) and this Baby was still way stronger than Rildo. So there’s definitely conflicting statements about the power-scale

basically that line from him implies Base Baby Vegeta = Buuhan in power

for the purpose of the thread this was before Uub merged with Buu tho
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V.I.P. Member
But then Goten says regular Baby is stronger than anyone he’s ever encountered

now he’s never seen Buuhan but he’s definitely seen Super Buu so there’s confirmation right there

Crimson Dragoon

It’s anime continuity, so Angry Boohan that was breaking the dimensional walls could be used as the benchmark

Boohan would still be fodder overall at that point except for one power spike that he can’t really control


V.I.P. Member
It’s anime continuity, so Angry Boohan that was breaking the dimensional walls could be used as the benchmark

Boohan would still be fodder overall at that point except for one power spike that he can’t really control
That’s possible too


Goku vaguely compares his power to Buu and Goten only ever encountered Fat Majin Buu (pre-split) and Super Buu. I don't believe for one second Goku even alludes the compared power of Baby with when he and Vegeta were fused as Vegito against Buu (Gohan absorbed)/Buuhan. End of the day, I don't think Rildo is stronger then Buutenks or Buuhan.


V.I.P. Member
Goku actually does fight Buuhan in the anime, which leads to Baby being pretty far up the Z power totem

with Rildo it’s anyone’s guess, his power is up for debate


Goku actually does fight Buuhan in the anime, which leads to Baby being pretty far up the Z power totem
He doesn't fight Buuhan, he runs away from him. GT was billed as Toei's own take on it being a sequel to Z but we have no idea if the anime actually directly followed Toei land filler into its continuity or not. Same with how all of Toei's original Z movies follow to the anime and the manga series but generally don't give specific times or places; Movie 8 set ambigiously at some point during the period of the Cell Games's ten day countdown or Movie 9 set between a few months to a year with Future Trunks returning to visit everyone.

Erring on the side of caution, we can only assume where GT still lines up when it can with the original manga that Goku ever fought fat Majin Buu, was scared shitless of normal Super Buu, and terrified of Buutenks and Buuhan, witnessed Buff Buu's power (exceeding Super Buu's), and then how it got much weaker in Kid/Pure Buu. Its a stretch to go to Buuhan and Buutenks.
with Rildo it’s anyone’s guess, his power is up for debate

Darth Nihilus

V.I.P. Member

He never specified as you said so it's anyone's guess

Even with original audio


V.I.P. Member

Goku and Vegeta do fight him, even if they were losing. Goku fights Buutenks too. Maybe Toei didn’t have this scene in their minds but it has to be someone above Super Buu

It can’t be anyone they fought in space like Rildo since those guys didn’t force Goku to go SSJ3 so he’s definitely referring to someone in the Z era


V.I.P. Member
Actually, forget about the Goten thing

I rewatched it, he was referring to the fighters that were possessed by Baby, not everyone he’s ever encountered



Goku and Vegeta do fight him, even if they were losing. Goku fights Buutenks too. Maybe Toei didn’t have this scene in their minds but it has to be someone above Super Buu
You aren't understanding my point at all. Its irrelevant that anime-filler Goku and Vegeta fought Buuhan in Z, we have no idea if Toei's added scenes and invented content from DBZ's anime carries over into GT. Point is we would still default to the original manga to bridge things between it and GT, even if GT is Toei's own creation. Canonically, Vegeta and Goku never fought Buuhan and Goku only ever fought Majin Buu (Fat form, pre-splitting good and bad halves) and Kid Buu.

We can't infer he was alluding to Buuhan when comparing him with Baby Vegeta.


Why wouldn't they? It's literally the same continuity they even reference a couple of the movies and Hell is the same HFIL version as the anime where they're all in detention together and not the one from the manga where the victim is succumbed to their own personal isolated dimension of horrors. It would also be weird to lowball Baby Vegeta to below Buuhan level when Base Kid Goku was completely unimpressed with the combined power of SSJ GT Gohan and SSJ Goten.
Both GT and Super anime take non-canon characters like Cooler and Gregory despite neither appearing in the Manga. Neither are “canon” to the manga, and so its easier to assume they take the anime continuity because that is what is referenced repeatedly


V.I.P. Member
Baby Vegeta at his peak is definitely above Buuhan

Goku doesn’t have to fight him to know, he’s already felt Buuhan’s ki before. It’s not a fighting thing, it’s a “he’s already seen the power” thing

if you’re referring to Baby’s weaker forms (anything below SBV1), then I can see what you mean if you want to follow the manga route