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Indiana Jones feats respect, & lore thread

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Adventures of Indiana Jones also tells us what the three levels of the Universe represented on the Sankara Stones are; the illuson of worldly matter, the reality of transcendental spirit and the oneness of all space, time & substance.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
From the Kingdom of the Crystal Skill script. The interdimensional aliens have the ability to change physics (at least locally).
The interdimensional aliens can move between dimensions.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Marduk is a powerful interdimensional being of energy from the plane of Aetherium, whom was worshipped by the ancient Babylonians. Marduk inspired the ancient Babylonians to build a great machine.
Marduk has the power to cross between dimensions, and with malevolent intentions had them build the Great Machine.
Gennadi Volodnikov: Da! The Lord Marduk himself crossed over from the Aetherium to inspire the Babylonian priests. And Marduk, potent and malevolent to this day, will have his mest on those who desecrated the Great Machine.
Nebuchadnezzar built the Great Machine, but not understanding it the people tore down the machine, but four disciples took four parts of the machine with them across the world.
Marduks power is said to be able to change the world and shake the Earth according to inscriptions on different machine parts.
Indiana Jones: The inscription reads..."My power will change the world." Turner fouled up again!
Indiana Jones: Look at that thing, humming like a top. Wait, I see writing...it says, "Verily will I shake the Earth."
The Great Engine exists in another dimensions, and is one massive machine.
Marduk is immortal.
Using the Tool From Beyond, Indy can open portals back to ordinary reality. Returning to his own world makes Indiana Jones feel better.

The plane of Aetherium exists beyond the dimensions of time and space.
Being in the plane of Aetherium is unhealthy for Indy, and being in it for too long can lead to him being hurt much easier (he must return to ordinary reality to heal). This is because Aetherium is a totally alien placeto our own world.
Defeating Marduk requires Indy charging his whip with the same energy that Marduk uses.
Indiana Jones: Marduk charged up his thunderbolts here. Maybe I should give it a try...
Indiana Jones: Marduk used this thing to charge up his thunderbolts. Maybe I should try the same thing...
Marduk possesses Indy's companion Sophia, and when Indy defeats Marduk (after powering up using the energy from the Great Machine) it disappears and Sophia returns to normal. Shortly after though, the Great Machine (and possibly the entire Aetherium) collapses, along with the ancient temple back on Earth.


Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
From Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Spinx, the Omega Book is a book which contains a complete record of the lives of every soul who has lived or will ever live on Earth, as well as all the secrets of nature. It's refered to by every religion by different names, and it can only be found with aid from the Staff of Aaron.
A few more examples of people who are in the book, such as a French Farmer and a Roman Soldier in 1400AD.
You cannot look up your own name in the Omega Book (though you can get someone else to do so for you).
The Omega Book contains the past, present and future, and can be read in different languages.
When Sokai forces Indy to read the Omega Book, it reveals he will shortly burn to death. Promptly this happens, and no attempts to alter the Omega Book or damage it work.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
From Indiana Jones and the Interior World. This one is quite esoteric, with the Interior World having some dream-like qualities to it that Indiana Jones accidently causes an imbalance between worlds when he desposes of a dangerous fabled relic, which leads to an unstoppable army trying to invade the exterior world (our own), and Indy must restore the cosmic balance.
Many Pincoyans are illusionists, who can make it look like they changed their shape by making their target think that.
Minhocoa is a giant snake which guards the doorway between worlds. Salandra also says not to take the legend literally (as a lot of it is steeped in metaphors). Mihocoa is the between-world itself, and there's no way to return to exterior world without first going through her stomach, the Land of the Lost.
Weavers of spindles talk about the different planes of existence of the higher and lower worlds. They believe it is their job to guard cosmic balance of the Universe and all its planes.
The mind of the maze manifests an image for Indy and Salandra, appearing as a different form before both of them. If they fail, it threatens to find them through their dreams and destroy them from the inside, and it can walk through walls.
The dogs sent by Wayua are not gentle in anyway, but Salandra was able to calm them by reaching into their minds.
"What did you do to those dogs, anyhow? They were acting like puppies."
"I reached into their minds and calmed them, but they've been trained by Wayua. There's nothing gentle in their nature. They'll be after us in a few minutes.
The pack of dogs is attacked by an unknown creature, which throws one of the dogs.
They come across the remains of the dogs. Something tore them apart.
Indy looks at the creatures tracks.
The creature appears, and it's in the form of a devil.
As it approaches though, it changes, taking the form of a snake with a human head.
It moved closer, and now the thing was a snake with a human head.
The creature took different forms and said different things to both Indy and Salandra, and even its tracks changed from hoofs to paw prints. It can do this as it responds to different peoples thoughts.
Indy says he'd say the creature was just a hallucination (or illusion), but he also saw that it had torn apart the dogs. Salandra points out the dogs getting ripped apart is what they intended to do to them.
Salandra's mind and dreams are being invaded by another being, preventing her from controlling her dreams.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Indiana Jones seems to react to a beam of sunlight, causing him to fall over. Make of this what you will.

(Indiana Jones and the Spear of Destiny, issue #1)