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  • Thank you for introducing me to The Negation. It’s awesome.

    Read problem sleuth? A highly original work and very well-written.
    Hey, I know VSB is meme but I used to wrangle them in check when it came to Superman ratings but that was the past I was banned there and now I have college right when they're trying to push for Post Crisis Superman being universal/low multiversal. What are your thoughts on it? I am annoyed over the bad timing I have regarding it. I read up to the beginning of the Loeb Era but from what I have seen there is absolutely no way he is universal reading everything before his training with Mongul.
    Endless Mike
    TBH I've probably read only a relatively small percentage of Superman's appearances during that era. So I just go by what I know. You could do what I do and make a comprehensive respect/capability thread, but that would take years.
    I made a readlist

    And given I am banned I relay what I have read to Firestorm808 on VSB, so by proxy a lot of my superman research is on here:

    Most of my research is in DMs with Firestorm808 on discord. At the moment I am at 2000 when Loeb took over from Jurgens. I have counted two major turning points in DC since 1986 when it comes to feats for Superman. The only feat that contradicts what I have seen is a handful from Green Lanterns, and one feat for Superman in Time and Time Again. Aside for that I have managed to get a rough estimate at his general power level during the pre-death and post death eras.
    Endless Mike
    Well I appreciate anyone willing to go as in-depth as that. Although you have to keep in mind that there are a lot of appearances in other titles besides his main books and the crossover events that can have relevant feats too. It's a huge amount of work to cover it all.
    Hey I am reading post crisis Superman and have reached the Loeb Era

    Just can I say I call dibs on a respect/timeline thread for him?
    Really the only one so far I missed is the Final Night (Was in for a surprise when I read Day of Judgement) any crossover he's involved in I read though, I have a pretty comprehensive readlist
    I got into researching him in late 2018, got especially motivated after reading the Great Superman Debate thread you were involved with because it made me realize how little both downplayers and wankers have read Superman and how much we just rely on scans alone without context
    Endless Mike
    That's also part of the reason I started the Pre-Crisis thread. Although it was also because there was a clear endpoint there (COIE) so I wouldn't have to constantly be catching up with new stuff.
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