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VS Battle Jadis (Narnia) In ASOIAF

Jaids, the white Witch, mistress of winter, destroyer of Charn. She who was cast from the Garden, she who owns treachery.


Shows up in the GOT/ASOIAF setting.

Scenario 1: She arrives in a boat from Pentos circa 296 AL and is given sanctuary in the court by King Robert who finds the idea of a huge bitch able to manhandle Sandor Clegane amusing.

Scenario 2: She takes the place of a certain Red Priestess and is with Stannis at the start of the second Book.

Scenario 3: She shows up with a contingent of giants, talking animals and minotaur's during the Iron Born assault on Winterfell and after slaying Theon pledges herself to Bran.

How does this go?


V.I.P. Member
Hmmm how is her manipulative skills?
cause from what I know is that she supposedly ruined a entire world and left it in ruin, but when she arrived to london, she hijacked a a stage coach and went berserk. So i assume this is lion and the witch jaids?
She seems more competent in that book, and did show the ability to cover narnia in snow but that waas over centuries long time, right? if im not mistaken of course.
If she pulls her turkish delight speel on everyone then i think she might have a better chance. but could she outwit characters like Tywin and Ned Stark?

She is big lady energy and has superhuman strength, but can she still be harmed by swords and arrows? Dragonfire?
Hmmm how is her manipulative skills?
Damn good, she started a war with her sister on Charn that lasted, ages and kept her people fighting to the bitter end and when she did ruin it, she retained enough sense to put herself in stasis.

As to her flipping her wig on Earth, I think that had to do with what happened to her when she got pulled through the woods between worlds or whatever it's called where she started to whither and turn into a husk and the experience left her a little retarded.

In Narnia she had hundreds or thousands of years to build up her skills and power again.

She seems more competent in that book, and did show the ability to cover narnia in snow but that waas over centuries long time, right? if im not mistaken of course.

She didn't just blanket everything in winter, she stopped time across Narnia for the entirety of her rule, holding the land in a temporal lock, delaying Christmas and Santa and the spring. And no, if I remember right she held the land frozen in time for only a century. She spent the other nine centuries conquering the North and learning magic native to Narnia to better enslave it and then she re-invaded Narnia.

That's when the century long time lock happened.

If she pulls her turkish delight speel on everyone then i think she might have a better chance. but could she outwit characters like Tywin and Ned Stark?

She should be able to both outwit and out General Ned, as for Tywin, he'd be a good deal more formidable as Jadis got a bit crazy but this is a woman who managed to convince half her planet to go to war with the other half so she could take over and kill her sister. She also built a second, then third empire for herself and spent a hundred years slowly conquering two other regions of Narnia.

She's no Machiavelli, but she's also no slouch.

She'd have trouble controlling her rage playing the game but she shouldn't be inept at it by any means.

As to her strength, she kinda required Aslan to body :oldryoma


V.I.P. Member
Damn good, she started a war with her sister on Charn that lasted, ages and kept her people fighting to the bitter end and when she did ruin it, she retained enough sense to put herself in stasis.

As to her flipping her wig on Earth, I think that had to do with what happened to her when she got pulled through the woods between worlds or whatever it's called where she started to whither and turn into a husk and the experience left her a little retarded.

In Narnia she had hundreds or thousands of years to build up her skills and power again.

She didn't just blanket everything in winter, she stopped time across Narnia for the entirety of her rule, holding the land in a temporal lock, delaying Christmas and Santa and the spring. And no, if I remember right she held the land frozen in time for only a century. She spent the other nine centuries conquering the North and learning magic native to Narnia to better enslave it and then she re-invaded Narnia.

That's when the century long time lock happened.

She should be able to both outwit and out General Ned, as for Tywin, he'd be a good deal more formidable as Jadis got a bit crazy but this is a woman who managed to convince half her planet to go to war with the other half so she could take over and kill her sister. She also built a second, then third empire for herself and spent a hundred years slowly conquering two other regions of Narnia.

She's no Machiavelli, but she's also no slouch.

She'd have trouble controlling her rage playing the game but she shouldn't be inept at it by any means.

As to her strength, she kinda required Aslan to body :oldryoma
haha yeah, I thought of that after I posted:
"Hey, wait...She had to compete against the jesus incarnation for ruling narnia."

Hmm interesting. I must read through the books again, for I did not remember that she manipulated her sister to go into war and through that, slowly establishing her rule and dominance.

Her scheming could be comparable to sauron then, i assume?

basing it of your scenarios:
1. I think this one will be the hardest, since she has to establish ground, more than being able to outwit anyone in physical strength. if she could manipulate the king, she could go to war with the starks or gain their allegiance somehow, but she had to contend with the lannisters, who would try to use her or see her as a threat and come up with different schemes to get rid of her.
I would assuem that she would win high diff, due to the rough start.

2. bit easier, since she now has trust and being able to manipulate stannis a bit better, since he trusts her and her magics.
Tho, might now have explored that in scenario1, but how would she handle the night king? she could turn their strongest forces into stone, but he can still ressurect those that die. adn if he gets his hands on a dragon, how does she fare against continous dragon fire?

3. She wins. she has now forces to back her words and I believe she woudl rule the realms easier based on that.