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Kenshiro (FOTNS) vs Akuma (Street Fighter)


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
This has probably been done to death but I'm really liking Akuma's SF6 design so whatever.
Kenshiro at his strongest, Akuma is restricted to his canon feats and no alternate forms.


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Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
Generally feels like Kenshiro should win while also feels like folks should go out an recheck his feats n shit


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
first of all, this feat is outdated and way minimum

at least city+ levels, is the lowest u can get, but u can easily get island levels just fine, with the newer cloud parting methods we do, plus, this was made by raoh, seconds before passing away

speed wise, hyoh's dozens of punches was estimated to at least triple digits, but cant find the calc, for reasons we know

now akuma, on paper is stronger/faster, cuz he country+/sub rel levels, but, sgs aint giving him the win against ken, it will be only with the usage of ki blasts, in a hax fight, kenshiro has him