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Killy (Blame!) vs Ryo Takatsuki (Project ARMS)


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V.I.P. Member
The Ultimate Lifeform
Battle takes place in atlanta Georgia


This has been done before (tho not here iirc)

Its a fair fight on paper and both can one shot the other but in practice Killy kinda just shoots Ryo and there isn't anything he can do about it. Ryo doesn't have the means of blocking a gbe shot and Killy has no problem tagging people who are faster and have faster reactions than Ryo.
Keith White would have been a better fight but he might be overkill. Outside of DC since he cant produce antimatter to the level Ryo can he's way more busted. He has the abilities of every other Keith, most notably Green who's power is spacial manipulation and he uses it better than him. :skully