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Most Downplayed Series


Not any of the truly popular series.

For all the downplay something like DB or Fate or SW or insert random super popular series here... receive, there's another side of the coin that wanks them to kingdom come.

I think we focus too much on specific places that either downplay too hard or wank too hard and that skews our view on how balanced said series actually are .

You can go search on VS wikis and shit and see more obscure series that are sitting at plain wrong power levels by community consensus simply because people either don't care or are just not passionate enough to put the lens on them.

Like, not every series can have someone like Gwyn who has a knack for getting crazy ass feats out of seemingly nothing.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
i agree on db and fate (especially Db post DBS where if anything it gets highballed) but idk about star wars. i have not seen a single forum outside of our tiny community take the EU feats in hand.

edit: i guess vsb actually does surprisingly
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For all the downplay something like DB or Fate or SW or insert random super popular series here... receive, there's another side of the coin that wanks them to kingdom come.

I think we focus too much on specific places that either downplay too hard or wank too hard and that skews our view on how balanced said series actually are .

Yeah, I actually agree here. It's usually not the most popular series that tends to get downplayed the hardest since you have the equal side going the opposite way(Like for every SB or Reddit that goes for turtle speed Fate and barely Wall level, we have Death Battle and VSB that subscribes them to FTL/Island or have the Moon Cell be at 25D Multiversal shit).
EDIT: Even the grandorder Reddit tends to have Fate closer to where we have it than downplay it otherwise vs. the staynight reddit which tends to go the SB route.

For series that are truly downplayed, it's usually the series no one really talks about or a game people barely played.
Like if I brought up, say Onechanbara, how many people would genuinely know the feats of that series?
Because outside of me and Blade? I doubt anyone else even knows that series exist or would even play it.

So to ultimately go into the topic, if we are going with Most Downplayed as in talked about?
It would be either Fate, Dragon Ball or Star Wars
If we are talking about as a whole?
There are SO many other series that would get downplayed to oblivion as no one would know or barely care about the feats in the series to be honest or frank.
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Yeah idk maybe SW is not a good example.

But for me it has become almost unbearably irritating to see people say Fate is downplayed when we have clowns on this very forum unironically pushing Multiversal lvl shit . DB as well. Or any other mainstream or mainstream adjacent weeb series.
i agree on db and fate (especially Db post DBS where if anything it gets highballed) but idk about star wars. i have not seen a single forum outside of our tiny community take the EU feats in hand.

edit: i guess vsb actually does surprisingly

Star Wars is in a really stupid spot, to be honest. The issue primarily comes from it's own fans, primarily those of the OT section, who REALLY hate anything that shakes up their conceived notions of Star Wars.
There is nothing more stupid than seeing people lack reading comprehension and assume that Vader stating the Force is stronger than the Death Star must be something more than just power... when that's what Vader precisely means.
Or that Force Users can't really lift something stupid heavy... when Yoda explicitly states that's bullshit and never said there was any limit to what they can do and he has no issues moving an X-Wing around, not even visibly straining despite reaching Old Age and not using the Force for years.

It's been more prevalent when people went stupid over that scene in Kenobi where Vader was able to pull down a Starship and tear it apart which actually DOES fit with how powerful the Force truly is... because it breaks the preconceived canon of Vader not doing it in Hoth(When we have no clue why Vader didn't do it and he had them pinned anyway the entire time, even having Cloud City under his control)


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
a lot of it i think is just SW being a live action movie format, and people cling to it needing to be “grounded” much harder than for other mediums


Martyrs are the first to Die
V.I.P. Member
I just consider it both most wanked and most downplayed for my initial response

but if you want another option it would probably be [insert medieval based fantasy here]
a lot of it i think is just SW being a live action movie format, and people cling to it needing to be “grounded” much harder than for other mediums

That's most likely it.
Which is even funnier to me because I know for a fact while Lucas may have not read all of the EU or supervised it, he for damn certain kept tabs on it and basically gave in suggestions and otherwise and even got asked questions about it.
The Dark Empire explicitly is somewhat based on his own suggestions which absolutely goes completely against those notions on every single page.

So it just further shows the biggest issue with Star Wars... has always been it's fans(And it's not helped by the fact that many of the things people bitched about in the Prequels... was stuff he wanted to add in the OT but the budget and props of the time wasn't good enough).


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
Maybe Fairy Tail.

It was a very popular series but hated by most people in the forums, and it had a very strong downplay for many years, nowadays nobody cares and VsBW wanked with that series, but before that even they had a lot of downplay.
yeah it actually has a lot of decent feats tbh, i think Red Hero/Rax kinda tanked its rep at a time when there weren’t many FT fans in the VS community as a whole


If you mean people were pissed because brainlets pushed shit like Kugel blitz Natsu or asking for actual on panel evidence for unsubstantiated claims that would have pushed the series significantly above its place at the time then.. yes.

Horrible downplay.

It's exactly the same shit as Belch spergs complaining about downaplay because nobody buys their Multiversal delusions or Omnipotent Lawlmighty or whatever the fuck.

"This series is downplayed because people hate it" is a disingenuous and insulting argument to anyone who even attempts to take this hobby seriously. As if we can't look at shit objectively despite our opinions pertaining to the quality of a series.
It's exactly the same shit as Belch spergs complaining about downaplay because nobody buys their Multiversal delusions or Omnipotent Lawlmighty or whatever the fuck.

I remember when I used to push for Planetary Bleach and just that before...
Somehow, I think that somehow got people to believe Multiversal Bleach somehow became a thing despite that never being a thing.


V.I.P. Member
you mean people were pissed because brainlets pushed shit like Kugel blitz Natsu or asking for actual on panel evidence for unsubstantiated claims that would have pushed the series significantly above its place at the time then.. yes.
I mean more of people who got that FT wasn't even supersonic when Natsu reacted to Laxus's bolts relatively early in the series or every Natsu victory was plot because nakama powah
I mean more of people who got that FT wasn't even supersonic when Natsu reacted to Laxus's bolts relatively early in the series or every Natsu victory was plot because nakama powah

To be fair, that last part has alot of legs on it due to the wins feeling more like "They must happen or need to happen" than the character actually winning due to power or ingenuity most of the time.