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OBD Convo #14: Mammoth Space Gods

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Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
@Derpmaster9000, @Xhominid The Fool, @shade0180.

Here's a video of me rigging the model I made, if you don't want to watch through the entire 12 minutes you can go to this timestamp.


Unfortunately, my first attempt at rigging didn't really go so well. Body parts not following the bones but bending weirdly.

Also: https://www.autodesk.com/education/edu-software/overview?sorting=featured&filters=individual

If any of you have a student account or can fake one you get any of these products for free for 1/2 a year and you can renew it as long as you're a student.

If you don't then use Blender.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
My first rigging attempt two years ago in Blender went just about as well as yours did here, or perhaps even funnier. My guy literally turned into the Plastic Man version of Slenderman with how much he was bending and contorting.

Second attempt was better though. Ended up rigging a Bender model I'd made to do a funky, hipster walk. Don't ask me why, I just thought it'd be funny. Got a good laugh out of my examiner/instructor, and a 78%, so I guess she liked it anyway.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Thanks man, I’m actually doing my second attempt rn, got any tips?


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Thanks man, I’m actually doing my second attempt rn, got any tips?
Best I can say is, keep an eye on the bones and their placement real closely, and when you get to the weight painting, just be patient with it. Move the limbs every so often as you work to make sure they're moving up and so forth as intended, and aren't pulling other parts of the mesh with them that you don't want. It takes time, tedious time, but its worth it once you're done, trust me.


Just a shadow
V.I.P. Member
Thanks man, I’m actually doing my second attempt rn, got any tips?
change the connection of the shoulder., to be separate from the arm, is basically one of the thing most forget to do.

like shoulder shouldn't move with the arm/hands. you'd have awkward bending if that shit remain.

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
change the connection of the shoulder., to be separate from the arm, is basically one of the thing most forget to do.

like shoulder shouldn't move with the arm/hands. you'd have awkward bending if that shit remain.
Okay, how should I do that? Should I do it similar to how the human ik looks?

Edit: I been thinking of weight painting it so it doesn’t move to.
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Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
Kneel Before CHADhan
>Most Genki to the Dama that killed Boo
>Surpassed his father 4 times in his lifetime
>Goku's favourite son
>Married to a cute tomboy and has a healthy sex life with her, actually contributed grandchildren
>Earns a decent wage as a scholar while his father is a radish farmer, calming the ferocious Kaioken pan wielding tiger mother that is Chi-Chi, allowing Goku to go off and train more
>Can't be beat when he's angry as stated by Goku himself (Angry Gohan > Broli BTW)
>Could beat every version of Boo
>Has had Bejita admit respect and potential superiority over him over 4 times in all forms of DB media
>Tallest of the main Saiyans at 5'10"
>Doesn't need God Ki to get stronger
>SCHOLARly diety tier knowledge of Ki and its applications to the world as they know it, literally lifts humanity to a Tier 1 civilization
>Has the most love interests (Videl, Erasa, Lime, Angela, Cocoa)
>Forever lives rent free in the mind of Future Trunks, so much that he caused the lad to break all of reality and time just to save his master, TWICE!
>A better baseball player than Yamcha
>Good friends with the new Kami of Earth
>Has the Demon King's son as his personal babysitter and best friend
>Always welcome at the Kuririn family household while in contrast Goku and Bejita are treated as an annoyance, especially if Android 18 is there
>Can actually catch bullets and beams
>Was offered a place to study under the Kaioshin themselves
>Would have curbstomped SHITren's ass if he kept training (you know it to be true)
>Has his own movie once again focused on him for a total of 4 now? As expected of the MC's son
>Surpasses EVERYONE in just one movie, in a single statement made by Toriyama himself, effectively putting Broli, Granolah and FARTfags on damage control full throttle
>His movie snubs Toyo and his fanfiction toilet paper manga? As expected of CHADoei CHADnimation
Unmei no Cope: Headcanon Vs Headcanon

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