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OBD Convo #19: Everything is Energy

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ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
idc about the culture war bullshit but its really weird to me she would even choose to be in this movie. She regretted being in The Help because she thought it put too much focus on the stories of the white people over the black servants in segregation it was supposed to be about so why would she turn around and star in a movie that glorifies slavery ???? She's a higher class actress that seems to usually put more thought into these things so it's hella confusing to me

The funny part is that they don't even need permission to do that.
For all of the shit people toss at Bridget due to the shit in Strive, apparently the Japanese don't care and still consider him a trap... and so are most Western fans. The only ones continuing to keep up the lie isn't even the Localization Team or anything but the insanely stupid "Transtrenders" that don't realize that Bridget's very backstory is anemic to what they want to normalize it by.

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member

@Claudio Swiss

Honestly, this is the best point made because remember, Zato was supposed to be DEAD for the past 2-3 games... only to suddenly be stated he was NEVER dead despite in those same 2-3 games, his body was stated to be literally DECAYING.

Or how about That Guy = Happy Chaos = The Original all along rather than That Man = Asuka R. Kreutz?
The hilarious part is that it's real easy to ignore the series after Xrd Revelator because it's clearly obvious Daisuke is even more done with Guilty Gear than Mori is with Blazblue. Especially as how everything is virtually happy ever after without it even feeling the slightest bit earned(Ky is becoming Half-Gear? Just abdicate the throne and allow Dizzy to be Queen... even though no one even bothers to question that even if she was loved after the shit she did in Revelator, the messed up lie Ky did? Sol instantly has his problem solved and has become "Human" again... oh wait no, he actually still has a decent chunk of his Gear abilities and strength otherwise, can't have Sol not be playable in future titles. Asuka was known as That Man to most of the people who Happy Chaos damned the hardest? Oh wait no, Baiken already knew the truth SOMEHOW and won't bother going after him anymore.)

Honestly, Daisuke has been retconning the shit out of Guilty Gear since Xrd and it's honestly gotten worse since to the point we got Strive now which basically threw everything out to force in happy conclusions regardless(HOW THE FUCK IS TESTAMENT BE ABLE TO WALK AROUND FREELY?! It hasn't been that long that people forgot the shit he did and tried to bring Justice back!)

Besides, as I stated before, popularity wise, most people just ignore the blatant change as it feels like it's Street Fighter's Poison all over again which at this point is just becoming a sad excuse


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
California should be nuked in general
They want to be commie bastards, so if Trump or someone with actual sense gets into office, they should basically put the state under full-blown communism, just as they seem to want, while walling them off from the other states, to make sure they can't escape their bad decisions. Whoever comes out of that shithole by the end, will be beyond red-pilled on commie bullshit and never say anything positive about it again.

Of course, if that hypothetical ever comes true, we gotta make sure our boy @OtherGalaxy gets out and isn't effected by that. We ain't heartless, after all.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
man idk what the fuck version of california yall have been to I lived here my whole life and been all over and aint ever seen this shit

TrueG 37

man idk what the fuck version of california yall have been to I lived here my whole life and been all over and aint ever seen this shit
They still have gangs freely walking around in the streets? I remember catching on to that when I was a kid . Couldn't go one day without hearing about it, felt like a real life version of Gta San Andreas looking back at it .


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
They still have gangs freely walking around in the streets? I remember catching on to that when I was a kid . Couldn't go one day without hearing about it, felt like a real life version of Gta San Andreas looking back at it .
never seen this happen whether i was in LA or some of the shittier parts of sacramento. I've seen prostitutes and crackheads and obviously California has a huge homeless problem, that's the biggest issue with the state, but I think a lot of shit is just news sensationalism. Day to day it's just a normal place to live. I've spent decent amounts of time in pretty much every part of the state.
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