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OBD Convo #26: Forth Eorlingas!

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All jokes aside, in truth the hips can actually be a really devastating thing to be hit by because the pelvis is a really strong part of the skeleton.
It's why even in Professional Wrestling, when Males and Females end up smashing someone full force with their ass, it's usually slowed down so you don't end up with a broken nose at best.


V.I.P. Member
Cody's out! Come on! Go to town on Roman!

"May be soon the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion."

Sounds like he's gonna get the shot at both titles?


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

Hmm, I'm wondering if Elesh Norn could somehow work well in a Volo deck


V.I.P. Member
@Masterblack06 @DestinyDestroyer

Drytron and Edlich, decks once considered Tier 1, are dead even with the former nearly at full power and the latter never having taken a real hit on the banlist.

All this because Bystial’s take a dump on any graveyard strategy using Light or Dark Monsters in a way thats practically game warping, especially since their an engine of generic beatsticks any deck can make use of

Feel like this is enough of a bottleneck to allow Orcusts to finally get back a Harp Horror or two?

NGL, I’m salty I never got to play this deck at full power with Girsu.


V.I.P. Member
>reading this manga
>MC grandma dies,everyone at funeral, MC can see her ghost
>She was supposed to do a ritual, and noone knows what to do
>Everyone start getting possessed
>Grandma forces her soul back into her body and go do the ritual with MC watching
>Next day noone remember anything but MC
>Grandma stand up from coffin and points to mc
>he is now in charge of the ritual yearly

This woman just forced herself back to life to stop some eldritch being from being unsealed,0 fucks given


Man of Atom
I honestly want more of the generic spirit support. Based Sword Lord absolutely rolling the Meta by bouncing fucking everything back to the deck is hilarious


V.I.P. Member
I honestly want more of the generic spirit support. Based Sword Lord absolutely rolling the Meta by bouncing fucking everything back to the deck is hilarious
That’s cool but I just want to play Orcust like they used to be.

Experiment by bringing Harp Horror to 1 starting out.
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