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OBD Convo #29: outskirts nakama dome - no snatching edition

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Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
It's the littlest thing
If you're gonna bother telling us something about the latest antagonist's attack to put home how strong it is, rather than just leave it vague, I'd rather it not be something that's basically star-level. The story/characters/battles themselves are the most important part, we can both agree on that, but if you're gonna specify something like this, at least make it sound impressive compared to what we've already seen from previous arcs.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

Didn't even know about this until the trailer popped up while I was watching another video. Looks like it could be a fun watch, Dreamworks movies rarely disappoint, even if the concept of flipping who the expected hero/villain would be on its head is nothing new for Dreamworks at this point (it's almost their whole MO, especially since Shrek).

I just hope it's not too "jokey" during serious scenes if you know what I mean. Dreamworks usually strike a good balance though.
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V.I.P. Member

It was the same when I worked at NYRA

At Belmont and Aqueduct the bathrooms available to the public were cramped and you'd be lucky to find more than 1 stall with toilet paper in it. The restaurants available to them were also hella overpriced (I'm talking 4 bucks for a single fucking hotdog).
Go to the Players Club though and every thing was immaculate. The Bathrooms around the club were spotless and always had tissue, the restaurants on the upper floors were cheaper and had more variety which is fucking ironic because to even join the players club you need to have bet at least $10k

That being said? The food was still bad and unless it was something like the belmont stakes the shit was empty 99% of the time. We used to actually use the shit as a break room. Almost got fired myself because I was using the place to take a nap during the overnight shift when the Captain decided to stop by for inspection. Had to pretend I was doing my rounds and found something "questionable" in the club area


V.I.P. Member

Speaking of, if you guys want me to do some detailed in depth podcasts with guests about philosophy, lifestyle, entertainment and education, I will do so at 20 patrons. That way I'll know it's a podcast with legs that will get some questions in each episode.

You can join for as little as $2 a month.
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